rawtherapee dev version warning

The build-rawtherapee script that creates the dev version keeps stopping at 43%. And since one of the initial steps is the remove the program, you might want to be careful before you run the script.

Just forcefully rebuild and I do not have any problems.

I do use my own script for this, but if after downloading and comparing the parts that does all the work (cmake and make) there are no real differences. I am assuming you are on Linux.

At 43% the build does need a bit more time, but that’s normal and seems to point to a single core process.

What is outputted to the screen when it stops, or maybe even an earlier error/warning? Most of the time it shows what the issue might be. The message can be a bit obscure for us non-developers at times, though.

I tried again and this time just let it run for one hour and when I came back it had finished.

That does seem rather long, but without knowing what hardware you have this could be normal.

To give you some context: I have an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core with 32 Gb RAM which isn’t the most powerful but also not lacking in power. The whole cmake, make (using all of the available cores where possible) and make install process takes a little under 2 minutes (average over 5 runs: 00:01:56).

Runtime is influenced by which options are set/used, the above “test runs” where done using this:

  cmake \
      -DBUNDLE_BASE_INSTALL_DIR="${localTrgtDir}" \
      -DCACHE_NAME_SUFFIX="5-dev" \
      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="release"  \
      -DOPTION_OMP="ON" \
      -DWITH_LTO="OFF" \
      -DWITH_PROF="OFF" \
      -DWITH_SAN="OFF" \
      -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wno-maybe-uninitialized" \

  make --jobs="$(nproc)"

  make install

For example: If WITH_LTO= is set to ON the whole process takes ~90 seconds longer (~00:03:30 instead of ~00:02:00).

This option takes care of the link-time optimizations. If turned on RawTherapee might run a bit faster. But this extra build time is encountered after the [100%] Linking CXX executable rawtherapee line and not at 43%.

EDIT: Fixed 2 minor issues and clarified something.