RawTherapee: Why don't keywords show up in the metadata panel?

In evaluating if RawTherapee would be an appropriate replacement for LightRoom 6, for my situation, I loaded a raw file, with its associated side-car file written by LightRoom, into RawTherapee 5.8. The keywords added in Lightroom are not shown in the Metadata ‘panel’ in RawTherapee. They appear as expected when the raw file is loaded in iMatch and also in DarkTable. I’m sure this is a user error; what am I doing wrong?

I don’t think RawTherapee will load an xmp file.

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Then that confuses me even more: RawThrapee shows textual information that is in the .xmp file, but shows only info that is in the EXIF ‘panel’. The ‘IPTC’ panel is completely empty, including the keywords.

Your raw file probably has that exif information as well.