reading and writing additional (non-raw) image formats

FYI: agriggio / ART / wiki / Customformats — Bitbucket
maybe it’s useful to somebody


Is the intermediate file created in the “preferences/general/external editor/output directory” ?

no, in a temporary dir

On W10 when trying to generate heic file, I get this command:

heif-enc -o D:/PHOTOS/test4/converted\a-_V3A0302.heic C:\msys64\tmp\ART-save-a-_V3A0302.heic-OD7ST0.tif

and it fails.

I have two possibilities:

  • C:\msys64\tmp\ART-save-a-_V3A0302.heic-OD7ST0.tif is not accessible, either not generated or directory not accessible. At least I would prefer an other location as C:\Mmsys64\tmp is not event in the PATH. (I don’t see the tif at this location)

  • the copy of heif-enc.exe is not accessible . I will test that.

heif-enc doesn’t understand TIFFs, you need to use PNGs.
Also, you can set the TEMP env var to control where the temporary files are generated (at least on linux)