Riley Brandt on jpeg2RAW Podcast

Hey, remember when I was on the jpeg2RAW podcast with Mike Howard? Check out who was on the most recent episode: the wonderful Riley Brandt! Riley is always fun to listen to and it’s nice to see some more representation of Free Software among photographers. Check it out:


Just watching this now… If jpeg2raw is interested in following up with Free Software people every once-in-a-while, we should coordinate with others and make it easier to set up interviews for them.


I agree 100%. The problem is: how? Should we manage queuing up guests for them? Or maybe hunt down good guests based on some input parameter from them (like - landscape photograph(y|er)?). I can reach out to Mike and see what he might think too.

Reaching out to Mike to see what they want would be great, as it is obviously driven by what they want for content.

I’d be up for making suggestions for their show content and acting as a liaison between our community and theirs. We could maintain a formal queue, if necessary, but I think first thing is to indicate to Mike and Tim that we are open to having an on-going dialog.


Excellent, I’ll reach out to them today or tomorrow and see if they either want to join the community here or just cc you in the emails. :smiley: