Roughen edges style filter

I’m new to Natron but have used After Effects for some time. I dabbled with Nuke but since it was not free I didn’t spend the time to really learn it.

Now after discovering Natron I am learning the Node based compositing once again.

I am trying to find a filter that will emulate the Roughen Edges filter in After Effects. Any idea if there is one available that will do this?


  • create some 2D noise. Itrequires two SeNoise instances, where “Noise Size” is linked between the two, and Z0 is set to 1 for one of the two instances. I’ll add an option to produce colored noise in SeNoise, so that it will require only one instance.




  • Check using the Histogram that your noise is centered at 0.5


  • feed that to the UV input of IDistort. In IDistort, set UV Offset to 0.5 for both, and set Alpha Channel to 1


  • connect your image to distort to the “Source” of IDistort

  • the “UV Scale” parameter controls the amplitude of the displacement, and the “Noise Size” from SeNoise controls the frequency of the noise.

Example: Noise size=12, UV scale = 8


Play with the noise parameters to get fine control over the distortion

Thanks. Trying it but not quite getting it right. Missing something easy I bet. Can you provide a sample ntp file so i can see what I am getting wrong?

There you go. (5.1 KB)

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In Natron 2.4.1, only one SeNoise will be necessary, and it will be much more straightforward: SeNoise now has a “Colored Noise” checkbox, which generates different noises for R, G and B, and sets alpha to 1 (which also means you don’t have to fiddle with the “UV alpha” parameter of IDistort).

See also Fun with IDistort: post your tricks here

@devernay has provided a 10/10 tutorial on how to recreate the effect above and you should read it, but also there’s a handy community plugin that exists and does pretty much exactly that and it’s available here!

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