RT5 GTK3 in Arch repo?

I can’t find GTK3 version for my Arch. Or that is version simple name now?

AUR (en) - rawtherapee-git is it, no?

I don’t have time to assembly beta from source and I don’t need beta. Here http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/rawtherapee/Arch_Extra/$arch was binary GTK3 application, now I see GTK2 and without spec.

The link is broken. You should contact the maintainer of that repo.

Not sure why you’d get arch software from OBS. If you don’t like bleeding edge, arch is a bad choice.

You simply don’t understand how to use Arch links :slight_smile:

I am not a unix user, but I can find a GTK3 build in the repo Index of /repositories/home:/rawtherapee/Arch_Extra :wink:
clue: GTK2 doesn’t appear in the name!
The problem is that the naming convention in the repo doesn’t at all follows what rawtherapee dev team recommends (I suppose there are constraints or historical reasons), so it is not easy to get a direct correspondance with rawtherapee versionning.

You have strange look :slight_smile: I see gtk2 in names but no gtk3. About one month ago there was clean gtk3 names.

http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/rawtherapee/Arch_Extra/x86_64/rawtherapee-1:5.0.r1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz is the GTK3 version. The GTK3 is the maintained version going forward.

GTK3 was removed from the file name because it is the default now. If you have further questions about the packages in that repo, contact the maintainer.

OK. Now I have only one question: there is rawtherapee-1:5.0.r1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz in the Arch repo and in a Rawtherapee repo - is there difference between ones?

It is the same repo as in the rawtherapee.com instructions.

Do you mean that “community” repo in Arch and Index of /repositories/home:/rawtherapee/Arch_Extra are the same??? My preferred mirror is https://mirror.yandex.ru/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch and “community” part hosted there.

No, I mean the Open Build Service and the instructions on the rawtherapee website are the same repo. This is the first you’ve mentioned of the Community repo.

When I say Arch repo - I mean official or native Arch repo, not suse hosting.

If you want to know about the Arch Community package, you’ll need to contact the maintainer, https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?maintainer=stativ who isn’t on this form so far as I know

I know how to contact with maintainer, here I’m asking about rename GTK3 release to plain name in RT Arch repo.

It seems maintainers have followed along with the naming convention.

@Chawoosh did you not read @paperdigits’s link?