[SOLVED] Dumb question about CTL

ART-1.23-linux64.tar.xz on Leap 15.6 installed in /opt/

I don’t have access to the CTL scripts or the Sigmoid.

I have followed https://bitbucket.org/agriggio/art/wiki/Luts#ctl-scripts

copied a few of the scripts into ~/.config/ART/ctlscripts

When I go the color/tone correction > lut ART doesn’t show the scripts.

I’m also missing the Sigmoid (I do see my fujifilm simulations with the drop down)

The wiki says:

This can be used as an alternative tone mapper for ART, and it is automatically available in the “Film Simulation” module (if CTL support was enabled at compile time)

Does this mean that I must compile my own? or Is there some setting that I missed?

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That’s strange, I’ll take a look asap. Thanks for the info!

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are you using the prebuilt binary from the webpage? I just tried and it works as expected for me…

Yes, it’s the prebuilt binary from:


ART-1.23-linux64.tar.xz :: 47.9MB

Does it means?

  1. I’m missing some software in my Linux install (Leap 15.6)?
  2. Did I miss some setting in the ART preferences

preferences > image processing > directories > clut directory : luts (then I see ‘my’ fujifilm simulations)


Don’t you need to install CTL interpreter?

sudo apt install libilmbase-dev libopenexr-dev
git clone GitHub - ampas/CTL: The Color Transformation Language (CTL)
cd CTL
mkdir build && cd build
cmake …
sudo make install

No, you should.not need to install anything. The prebuilt binary should work out of the box.

@foto: can you load a ctl script as a lut? I mean, in the colour/tone correction tool, select the LUT mode, and then select the filename of a ctl script. Does that work? If not, what happens?


Problem solved!

Like I originally said: dumb question. I should add from a dumb operator!

I do apologize for taking your time to fix MY mistake.

It turns out that I had 2 copies of ART and I forgot all about the 2nd copy:

  • Yours, that works properly. Thank you!
  • Mine, that I compiled a while ago obviously w/o following the proper instructions.
