UI in New version of ART

I just downloaded and installed the latest version of ART 1.11.1-40 and wow, a new interface. All the functions are there but I think it’s a step backwards.

There is very little to distinguish the function labels (Exposure, Tone Equalizer, etc.) from the selections included therein because the size and boldness of the function font is so close to that of the selections below it. And everything is left-justified. The net result is that when several functions are open at the same time it’s a jumble and it’s hard to find what you want without collapsing all the menus first.

Indenting the selections and maybe making the function font a little larger size would both help.

I hope this is just the beginning of a work-in-progress.

Hello, I don’t think Art has a new interface, you just can adapt the foreground color, the background color and the ‘highlight’ color easier than before.
You can change the font settings in Preferences - General. Not function font only, but all at the same time.
I don’t see a point in ‘everything is left-justified’, but maybe I miss something.
To collapse all the other modules/functions at once, right-click on one.
I don’t think this “new interface” is a work in progress, it’s just a tiny tweak.

Well, here are two screenshots of the differences that show up on my system:

Version 1.11.1-22

Version 1.11.1-40
Screenshot 1.11.1-40

There is quite a difference in readability to me. The older version had the functions within a box, while the newer version has them all thrown together where it’s not obvious where you are and what is open.

Is there something I missed?

Hi, your screenshots are quite small, but I think I can see what you mean, something (a theme!) seems to provoke that. So I suggest to change the theme first in Prefs to see if you can go back to the normal situation. Perhaps you are looking to a bug, don’t know.
On my system with Art 1.11.x (latest) these modules look like so (with a little personal tweak).


Your right I think just some new themes were added recently

This is all I see for available themes:

The Default theme is what was shown.

Apparently there’s something wrong on your system. I see the following.


@agriggio There seems to be something wrong with loading the CSS:

$ ./Release/ART
Error: Can't load css file "C:\msys64\home\Roel\art\build\Release\themes\_ART.css"
Message: <data>:4:64Failed to import: Fout bij het openen van bestand C:\msys64\home\Roel\art\build\C:msys64homeRoel
  uildReleasethemes_ART.css: No such file or directory

This is what I get on Windows. Excuse the Dutch text, it simply says “Error in opening the file”

Edit: the file seems to exist

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If you need a bit of guidance on which line in a theme changes which part of the UI (should you want to go in and create a theme to your own tastes (as I did :confused: )), here are the lines and the parts of the UI which they affect.

The things on the screenshot in bright red are the elements changed by this setting:

@define-color accent-color rgb(255,0,0);

@define-color accent-color2 rgb(255,0,0);

@define-color accent-color3 rgb(255,0,0);

@define-color accent-color4 rgb(255,0,0);

@define-color bg-highlighted-text-color rgb(255,0,0); (select some text anywhere in the UI and the background of the text comes up this colour):

@define-color bg-image rgb(255,0,0);

@define-color bg-image2 rgb(255,0,0);

@define-color highlighted-text-color rgb(255,0,0); (select some text anywhere in the UI and it comes up this colour):

@define-color text-hl-color rgb(255,0,0);

@define-color text-hl-color3 rgb(255,0,0);

Happy Christmas all :slight_smile:


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@define-color bg-light-grey rgb(255,0,0);

@define-color bg-grey rgb(255,0,0);

@define-color bg-dark-grey rgb(255,0,0);


Hello, thanks for the info but this way it’s still a lot of work to make a consistent color scheme.

What has been added in the latest versions of Art is a way to change the colors of the foreground, background and highlights in a more convenient way. See Prefs > Themes and choose Default (Standaard if one uses the Dutch version).


The values choosen there are stored in the options file of Art (on my system it is located in ./config/ART).

At the end of that file you’ll see this:

[Theme Colors]

Use a color picker to refine these values.

Less control but much easier imo !

Agree! I just wait for the latest Win release, so I’m on 1.11.1 I think. I’ll doubtless use that when it filters through :+1:

On W10 and ART 1.11.1-42, I have only access to deprecated themes and no new theme apart default theme as shown by @fasteddie .
So I tried the default theme with some tweaks.

I would like also that the activation button of tools be also the “highlight” color (here yellow) when activated.

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Same for me on Xubuntu 18.02 – Only the default theme is not shown as deprecated.

Version: 1.12
Commit: d281c2156586
Commit date: 2021-12-27