Underexposed sun rays scene

beautiful scenery

my idea

Underexposed sun rays scene_DSCF0185.RAF.xmp (13.9 KB)

the blue in the house could be reduced …


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My try :

DSCF0185.RAF.xmp (10.4 KB)

Gorgeous dramatic sky, great shot, my thoughts was to keep the ground dark enough to contrast the sky, trying to achieve a dramatic but natural look;

Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks for posting,
Using Filmulator v0.11 for the first time for the highlights

My take, DT 3.5 git master

DSCF0185.RAF.xmp (15.2 KB)

Is it unusual / unexpected that the illuminant in color calibration which makes this scene look realistic is so far off from Planckian or daylight? Usually I can set the illuminant to Planckian or daylight and manually adjust the temperature to get something reasonable looking but that doesn’t seem to work well here.

DSCF0185.RAF.xmp (33,5 KB)

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