Very new to darktable, first post on PIXLS.US

A kind hello to everyone here!

Hope I’ve found the proper place to post here. If not tell me what to do next…

Using LR en PS a lot, my catalog contains 160.000 pictures, mostly raw’s. I like to do a lot of editing and do it on a - nearly - daily basis. I’m a 100% amateur. In LR I’ve built up a nice - well used - tag hierarchy, use flags and ratings on every picture. Have an organized workflow so to say. Use PS to do things I cannot achieve in LR, nothing really sophisticated.

Quite happy about the functionality LR + PS provide. That’s where I am now.

Decided a couple of weeks ago to stop the Adobe lock in. The reason is that I pay and pay, which I do not mind at all, for bugs that aren’t solved, which I do mind a lot. It caused me multiple times multiple days of work to collect all broken pieces. Only to find out I encountered a bug known for years already.

So far I like darktable a lot. I do not find it easy as it is very different to what I’m used to. But with the help of this forum and internet I manage and progress. Every day a couple of steps. I think darktable is very rich with an seemingly endless amount of modules and ways to use it. Decided to use scene-referred (filmic) as a starter (and investigate Sigmoid a bit later). Learned how to make both ‘atomic’ and a broader Styles and save them. I guess in a couple of weeks I will be more or less used to it and know my way.

On the lighttable side I find myself struggling a little bit. Used to have a folder for each and every day I have made a photo. Used to use LR’s Collections a lot, I have probably hundreds of collections, nested in a hierarchy. The most used are a couple of simple workflow oriented collections helping me keeping track of my workflow. Do not see any problems realizing those on the lighttable. I’m also having lots of LR Collections showing me the results/best pictures on certain subjects. I will mention one specific use here. My wife is an artist making mosaics. There are lots of pictures of the both the process and results of her work. As well as pictures of exhibitions. I’ve organized it in a way that I have a collection for each piece of art she has made in which I find all pictures taken during the making off and afterwards. I’m talking about lots of works being made in the course of time. I also have a collection with exactly 1 picture of each piece she made. Most is tag based. Making it very easy in LR to find back a lot of pictures and very fast to do so.

Long story short - on the lighttable I use the collection filters. As I’ve test-imported the tag hierachy and a couple of folders I can practice the filtering. That will work alright for me. Except that I hoped for to use the ‘|’ symbol to build a hierarchy of my saved collection filters. Using styles in darktable this works very well but as far as I could see not in the saved collection filters. I do hope I’m missing something…

Apart from that I am very glad I’ve encountered darktable. I plan to still do a couple of weeks learning/testing before I will migrate. Most technical - mostly know how - issues seem to be solved already.

As I’m on Windows 11 now I still have a big question to answer for myself: will I start to migrate away from Microsoft towards unix as well? I find it doable and tempting but have not yet researched this deep enough. So far I can only see Solidworks as a show stopper, having used FreeCAD for month.

So to wrap it up:

  • Very(!) happy with darktable so far! My compliments for the great job being done here!
  • Miss a way to organize my saved collection filters in a hierarchy - any tips very welcome!
  • Wonder if I will leave Windows as well - any tips for informative websites very welcome!

Kind regards,


Welcome to, Jetze

Thanks Tim, it has been a nice dicovery trip here so far…
Learned a lot!

I don’t find file folders very useful for managing images. I have set up a folder layout and naming convention for files as I import them, which gives me a timeline for the images but little else.

After import, my next action is to tag the images. I use a mixture of nested tags (Scotland → Pitlochry → Black Spout) and categories (Waterfalls). I find this allows me to find specific files across different folders much more easily.

Yeah, I agree with you Colin. My main way of finding a photo is through tags driving filters and/or collections and I use location a lot - I use tags and the map for that.

Regards Jetze

I won’t offer any advice as, although I use the digital asset manager aspects of darktable, my system for doing so is nonexistent. Bruce Williams did a recent vid on this topic, in case you didn’t see.

Also, some people use digikam as a separate DAM


In general, in darktable presets are not organised into hierarchies. However, tags are. Is it not the same amount of time to find a tag in a hierarchy as it would be to find a preset, if preset hierarchies were supported?
Plus, you can use the timeline to filter date ranges, and you can switch the collections module into folder mode (instead of film rolls). Make sure you increase the levels in preferences, accessed via the ‘hamburger’ menu:

If the collections module is not visible, right-click the blank area on the left sidebar, and enable it:

You can then combine all kinds of filters (directory, tag, metadata) in several ways:

Sorry if I only showed what you already knew.


Thank you for the hint Tony,

Though I’ve seen the video, I haven’t yet taken the time to watch it. I will do so somewhere today and see what it brings.

About digiKam, I have so far decided not to start with it, downloaded it though…

The reason is that the changes made to a picture - when I’m properly informed - are not automatically visible in digiKam. This made me decide first to explore darktable as far as it goes and give it due time before adding complexity.

Regards Jetze


Thanks for the screen to make the ‘collections’ visible Kofa. I had not seen the ‘recently used collections’ yet… so will explore those as well.

And - whilst ‘knowing’ what you suggested - there is still a wide gap to what darktable knowledge I am able to apply actively and swiftly…

I think a hierarchy in collectionfilters would not be overly difficult to make and in my eyes (only?) quite usefull.

Kind regards, Jetze

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Happy you decided to drop Adobe (like me!) and went for Darktable as your main raw editor. I have been trying to learn bit by bit as well as it is indeed quite different from LR. Still trying to get the hang of the masking tools, among other tools. I’ve set up my darkroom modules to be a bit like the order I do things in LR Classic (make your own order in manage presets > module layouts).

I personally really like the more flexible watermarking and framing options, the ability to export as webp, more metadata control on export, and better sharpening (in my opinion, than LR Classic), and I think darktable is snappier than the slightly laggy LR catalogue that I have (about 100k photos), running on an M1 Mac Mini with 16GB of RAM.

But I find the metadata/lighttable mode not really that capable, so I’m using Digikam for all things DAM and just the editing part in Darktable.

Hope you have fun! I find this forum to be super useful and friendly :slight_smile:

PS. I’ve been a long-time macOS user, but if I were on Windows still and wanted to move to Linux, I’d go for Linux Mint! I run that on my old 2012 Macbook Air, and it’s doing absolutely a fine job!


Welcome to the Forum.

My computer has been Adobe-free for years.

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Welcome to the forum @Jetze
These folks are great, and you’ll get way more info than you could ever need from them.
Seriously… They know way too much.
It’s kind of frightening really :sweat_smile:


I am not a dt User - I keep track of my files which are scattered all over my Hard Drive with IPTC keywords for which I have created an hierarchical list.

XnKeywords.txt (1.8 KB)

I use XnView MP to search by EXIF and IPTC and it makes a Contact sheet to view the results. The Search can include all sub-folders if so selected.

It can add keywords to an image, voila:

… thereby avoiding many different keywords for the same thing!


Welcome to the forum. DT is way more creative and fun than LR. I have a tendency to recommend Sigmoid over Filmic to new users as it gives nicer colors straight out of the box and often doesn’t require intervention, but I am not knocking Filmic if you are comfortable with it.

I underuse tags in DT to manage my images, but I have DT copy and import my images into dated folders that include a jobcode to identify picture locations quickly. Here is a screen shot of part of my pictures folder. I can quickly find images taken on a certain date with a jobcode such as Japan to tell me what is in the folder.


Hello Jetze and welcome to an Adobe-free community.
As I have always said to newcomers. Congratulations for leaving Matrix.
Darktable is not an easy tool to learn for people used to Adobe tools, but little by little and with the help of the community, the online tutorials and the program manual you will be entering a great world, where it is not just running sliders from one side to another, but to know why each of the modules, the purpose for which it was created or what each one is for, take advantage of the many tools such as luminosity masks, among other advances.
In time you will see that the choice to take the right pill and get out of the Matrix (Adobe) was your best decision.
Greetings from Havana, Cuba.


I am fairly new here as well, and I have to say that the input I have received to my questions is first class. No one has made me feel daft for asking (no doubt) uneducated questions and it seems to me that people here have a genuine passion for the subject matter.

On the Linux front, I second that Linux Mint is a good choice. I used Ubuntu Mate for many years, very stable, responsive, easy to use. I use Ubuntu ‘proper’ now but for one reason only, it has a longer LTS (long term support) period. My advice to anyone starting out as a home user is to use a Debian based distro, such as Ubuntu. In my humble opinion and experience it is the best supported and is very mature.

If you are using a desktop PC, install a second hard drive and put Linux on it. I dual boot, but honestly a second hard drive is just as easy and probably safer (in terms of not screwing up your Windows install). Other option is to install Virtualbox (or if it’s Windows 11 Pro, you have Hyper V built in) and setup a few virtual machines so you can get a feel for the different distributions.

I suggest you don’t ditch Windows, just have the best of both worlds.


Well, the day after…

Being new here I was not allowed to post anymore - I had used up my quote of 10 messages quite fast :slight_smile:

That’s why I did not react any longer… life can be quite hard sometimes.

My silence doesn’t mean in anyway that I was unhappy with all reactions, thew contrary is true!

That being said I’ve used the time to clean up the LR Catalog and will continue to do so the coming period.

In the mean time I will play and practice with darktable, just have fun. Yesterday I managed to make the first masks! I also did manage to be more swift in performing a basic development of a couple of RAW’s. I’m not yet consistent, I still do not have a basic path to follow. But I’m able to swiftly find the tool/modules I need. And get a result I more or less hoped for.

The more I use it the more I feel I wille be very happy working with darktable. It feel closer to the heart as if I will be more creative with this tool.

Thanks to all for the kind welcome here. Lets get to work!



Thanks for the support here. I had not yet regarded a second harddrive only for booting unix. I use a SSD in my desktop plus three HDD’s, a large one for my photo’s and two for other data. I could easily consolidate the data of those two drives on one and have a free HDD to install unix on. Or I might invest in a second SSD for to put unix on. Think my motherboard can have a second SSD.

I do regard Ubuntu and Mint as my prefered unix ‘tastes’. I have not yet any knowledge about Hyper V - I do use Win 11 Pro so I will see into that as well. Best chance is I will still keep a bit of Windows. But preferably no Office like app’s… I will miss Outlook, Word & Excel though - but most probably not for very long. The only thing that I do valuate is that all my Office files are readable/usable.

If you have good information sources on the subject of migrating towards unix I would be very happy to learn to know them. But will find them on my own as well when I start doing the needed research.

Kind Regards,

Love to see al different ways of more or less doing the same thing. XnView is on my radar now! Thanks for that tip!


You can “@” someone, like @Jetze and then make multiple replies one post, that should help you with the daily post count when you’re new.