-weighted option in stacking not available in scripts ?

Hi. I am using the latest git version of Siril.
Today I found that when I try to use the -weighted option of the “stack” command on the CLI or in a script like this
stack r_pp_light rej g 0.3 0.05 -norm=addscale -output_norm -out=../result/stacked.fit -weighted
I get the following error

11:05:18: Running command: stack
11:05:18: Unexpected argument to stacking `-weighted', aborting.

I can use the option in the GUI with no errors.

Hi, we changed this option in recent versions, we haven’t documented it yet because we were not sure how it would evolve in the near future. The current new name is -weight_from_noise.

thank you. Not sure if the option is useful anyway. I have taken images with the full moon bright in the sky over many hours (so different altitudes of the moon), and I thought the option might be useful. But I dont really perceive any difference.