What is my mistake in compiling (making distributable package)?

I am trying to compile RT (gtk2) for win64
everything is working fine and RT starts and works smoothly
but after preparing installation package I see console window
just in the moment of RT launch.

Mistakes are:

(rawtherapee.exe:5240): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_
path: “clearlooks”,

What am I doing wrong ?

ping @sguyader @gaaned92 maybe you can help?

@viv in your package, you should include the following tree:

|_ libclearlooks[.dll / .dll.a / .la]
|_ libpixmap[.dll / .dll.a]
|_ libwimp[.dll / .dll.a]
|_ gdkconfig.h
|_ libgail[.dll / .dll.a]

I did all my setup that quite some time ago, and if I remember correctly you need to compile the clearlooks engine from source to get the .dll.

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Thanx, I already understood and fix it.
But the console window is still visible after RT launch (so it is empty now).

I am definitely building release version with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=“Release”
but this window do not disappear. It’s annoying a little bit.
What is wrong with compilation ?

@viv I don’t remember how the console window is implemented in the Windows version. It could be that you have verbose=true in your options file. If you run rawtherapee.exe -w then the console window should not open.
Are you running a release build from sguyader?

@sguyader do your release builds open a console window intentionally? Is that needed?
–edit Scratch the above question. New question. Do you know how to disable the console window at compilation time?

I am running RT compiled by myself from git repository (master branch).
If I launch rawtherapee.exe with -w option, everything is OK - no console window.
(Verbose=false in my options file).

(Release build from sguyader starts with no window.)

On my machine rt built from source and rt from @sguyader use different options files (stored at different location for whatever reason). Maybe that’s the case here too?

I check it twice. Only one option file found.

I think you should add -mwindows compile flag to disable console window

Solved. My mistake was in adding compiling options into the wrong .cmake file instead of CMakeLists.

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You should pass options via -D parameters when calling cmake instead of editing the CMakeLists.txt files.

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Yes adding -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-mwindows in the cmake command line when building release version should do the job.
Note :There is in the root dir of RT local repository a “win.cmake” file that you can copy, adapt and use via -C option (see buildRT.bat)

Thank you.