What you get when you combine autumn and a sheepdog

PEF converted with Darktable and imported into Gimp. Other layer treated to an orton filter (Fred’s ImageMagick scripts) and overlaid at 50%. GMIC “freaky details” filter at 30%.


What a dog! Love the fall colors. Nice treatment over all.

Maybe crop it to a square? I love squares.

Hey, you seem to apply too much filters to the image. I bet that photo without filters would look good anyway.

No. Square layouts kill composition. You can rarely meet the fine art that were done on square frame. Not talking here about non-figurative art though.

Uh no. And you should know better than to make such absolutists statements.

What? Did you miss everyone who shot medium format?

I don’t even know what you mean.


I appreciate a good square. Then again, I have medium format photos around the home.

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