I got out this morning to a small waterfall I’d heard about locally and was not disappointed at all. The only downside to this location was that it made me long for a wider angle lens…or it is definitely time for me to learn to stitch photos together in darktable.
Not exactly sure what I’d like to see with this one…maybe a little more differential between the foreground and the background?
Maybe some detail masking on the icicles? Not sure.
Regardless, have fun with this one…I had a smile on my face the whole time I was there today.
Edited in dt 5.0
Thanks for an inspiring capture to play with.
I sought to increase the saturation of the greens and browns, and masked off the ice, because there is fair amount of green in the ice.
Slight straightening (icicles should be vertical).
Wanted a frame that gave the appearance of looking out a window at the scene - not sure if I succeeded.
Beautiful winter waterfall…I bet you will be there again!
I found that the very bright snow at the very top pulled my eyes away from the more interesting icicles, so I cropped the top away. My edit was pretty basic.
I like how all of these have managed to avoid the heavy grey tone I placed on the image…must have gone a little heavy on the tone and contrast eq.
Thanks, all of you, for taking a shot at this.