AILIBDIR=/tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT deleting /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/* System stdc++ library: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" System stdc++ library version: "3.4.25" Bundled stdc++ library version: "3.4.22" Newest stdc++ library version: "3.4.25" Using system stdc++ library atomiclib: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Checking versions of library "libfontconfig" system library: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" ( system library version: 1.10.1 ailib: "/tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/lib/" bundled library: "/tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/lib/" ( bundled library version: 1.11.1 newest library version: "1.11.1" Checking versions of library "libfreetype" system library: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" ( system library version: 6.15.0 ailib: "/tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/lib/" bundled library: "/tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/lib/" ( bundled library version: 6.14.0 newest library version: "6.15.0" Removing bundled "libfreetype" removed '/tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/' removed '/tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/' GTK_PATH=/tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/lib/gtk-2.0 GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE=/tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/lib/gtk-2.0:/tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/lib/gtk-2.0 PANGO_LIBDIR=/tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/lib (0x00007ffd26ad9000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ed1efc000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ed1cdf000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ed1a8a000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ed1830000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ed125c000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ed100b000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ed0cf5000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ed0ab9000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ed0734000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ed025b000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ed003c000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecfe35000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecf7d9000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecf58b000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecf33e000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecf110000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecea8e000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ece80c000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ece5e6000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ece325000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ece11e000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ecdeff000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecdb96000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ecd7f8000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ecd46f000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ecd257000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ecce66000) /lib64/ (0x00007f7ed2170000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7eccc5a000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecc7af000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecc584000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecc380000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ecc14e000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecbf38000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecbcf2000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecbab0000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ecb7fc000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecb5f2000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecb32a000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecb118000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecaed5000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecacb6000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ecaab1000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7eca8aa000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7eca4d5000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7eca285000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7eca04c000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec9a56000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec9811000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec95af000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec93a7000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ec91a3000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec8de4000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec8bbe000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec881f000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec8611000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec83e9000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec80b2000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ec7d7a000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec7b74000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec7969000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec7757000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec7554000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec7344000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec7139000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec6f2e000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec6d2b000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec6b28000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ec6920000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ec6705000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec649e000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec6278000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec6068000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec5e3c000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec5c32000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec5995000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec5789000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec556d000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ec5366000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ec5134000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec4f31000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec4d0a000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ec4aef000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec48ac000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec4603000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec43ef000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec41eb000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec3fc3000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec3db5000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ec3b29000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ec3921000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7ec370c000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec34de000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec32d6000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec3096000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec2de0000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec2bdc000) => /tmp/tmp.9XSevaeCfT/ (0x00007f7ec29aa000) OWD: /home/gustavo/bin DIRNAME: /tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/bin DESKTOPFILE_NAME: photoflow.desktop APP_FULL: PhotoFlow APP: PhotoFlow APP_FULL: PhotoFlow APP: PhotoFlow BIN: /tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/bin/photoflow.bin DESKTOPINTEGRATION: HERE!!! Gtk-Message: 08:14:50.974: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged. yesno finished Gtk-Message: 08:14:54.479: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged. yesno finished exePath: /tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/bin dataPath: /tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/share/photoflow/ localePath: /tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/share/locale Calling rtengine::LFDatabase::init("") Loading lensfun database from the default directories...FAIL PhotoFlow::main(): argc=1 argv[0]: "/tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/bin/photoflow.bin" Loading custom settings... working_profile_type=5 working_trc_type=2 custom_working_profile_name= display_profile_type=0 custom_display_profile_name= display_profile_intent=1 display_profile_bpc=0 ... custom settings loaded. icons dir: /tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/share/photoflow/icons-inverted Starting image processor... Image processor started. locale dir: /tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/share/locale Gtk-Message: 08:14:57.104: Failed to load module "gail" Gtk-Message: 08:14:57.105: Failed to load module "atk-bridge" (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.131: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.132: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.133: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.133: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.134: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.134: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.135: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.135: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.136: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.137: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.137: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.138: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.138: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.139: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.139: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.140: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.141: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.141: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.142: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.142: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.143: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.143: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.144: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.145: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.145: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.146: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.146: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.147: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.148: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.148: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.149: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.149: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.150: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.150: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.151: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", (photoflow.bin:26356): Gtk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.151: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine", Gtk-Message: 08:14:57.162: Failed to load module "gail" Gtk-Message: 08:14:57.163: Failed to load module "atk-bridge" Gtk-Message: 08:14:57.163: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" stat_result=0 stat_result2=-1 Application window icon set from "/tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/share/photoflow/icons-inverted/photoflow.png" PhotoFlow: is_plugin=0 (photoflow.bin:26356): Gdk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.359: gdk_window_set_icon_list: icons too large MainWindow::on_button_open_clicked: last_dir="/home/gustavo/Pictures/playraw/summer portrait" (photoflow.bin:26356): Gdk-WARNING **: 08:14:57.511: gdk_window_set_icon_list: icons too large MainWindow::on_button_open_clicked: new last_dir="/home/gustavo/Pictures/playraw/country sunset" MainWindow::on_button_open_clicked: ufilename="/home/gustavo/Pictures/playraw/country sunset/IMG_5749.pfi" MainWindow::on_button_open_clicked: filename="/home/gustavo/Pictures/playraw/country sunset/IMG_5749.pfi" MainWindow::open_image: filename="/home/gustavo/Pictures/playraw/country sunset/IMG_5749.pfi" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" MainWindow::open_image: basename="IMG_5749.pfi" ImageEditor::on_realize() called. (photoflow.bin:26356): Gdk-WARNING **: 08:15:03.766: gdk_window_set_icon_list: icons too large ImageEditor::open_image(): opening image /home/gustavo/Pictures/playraw/country sunset/IMG_5749.pfi ... ImageEditor::open_image(): opening image file /home/gustavo/Pictures/playraw/country sunset/IMG_5749.pfi ... Opening image backup /home/gustavo/.photoflow/cache/pfbck-u0J8Ty PF::new_operation_with_gui: creating operation of type "raw_loader" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "raw_loader" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation_with_gui: creating operation of type "raw_developer_v2" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "raw_developer_v2" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" LFDbHelper::LFDbHelper() called PF::new_operation_with_gui: creating operation of type "gradient" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "gradient" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation_with_gui: creating operation of type "dynamic_range_compressor_v2" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "dynamic_range_compressor_v2" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation_with_gui: creating operation of type "tone_mapping_v2" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "tone_mapping_v2" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation_with_gui: creating operation of type "relight" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "relight" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation_with_gui: creating operation of type "curves" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "curves" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "raw_loader" MainWindow: image #0 activated Buttons box parent: 0 PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "raw_developer_v2" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "gradient" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "dynamic_range_compressor_v2" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "tone_mapping_v2" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "relight" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "curves" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" RawLoaderPar::build(): creating new RawImage for file /home/gustavo/Pictures/playraw/country sunset/IMG_5749.CR2 RawImage::RawImage(): opening file "/home/gustavo/Pictures/playraw/country sunset/IMG_5749.CR2" PreviewScrolledWindow::on_map() called. MainWindow: image #0 activated Buttons box parent: 0x4713ac8 RawImage::load_rawspeed(): RAWSpeed camera file: /tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/share/photoflow//rawspeed/cameras.xml RawImage::load_rawspeed(): meta=0x7f23480ec1b0 RawImage::load_rawspeed: file_name_real: "/home/gustavo/Pictures/playraw/country sunset/IMG_5749.CR2" RawImage::load_rawspeed: filen: "/home/gustavo/Pictures/playraw/country sunset/IMG_5749.CR2" RawImage::load_rawspeed(): FileMap object: 0x7f23480edd20 RawSpeed: r->blackLevel=2048 r->blackLevelSeparate=2047 2047 2048 2048 original width: 6096 crop offset: 42,78 cropped width: 6014 RawSpeed camera WB multipliers: 2106 1024 1733 1024 RawSpeed black=2048 white=12277 RawImage: filters=1229539657 raw(0,0): 6288 color=3 color4=3 getColorAt()=1 FC=1 BL=0 row=0 col=0 c4=3 rawData[row][col]=6288,000000 scale_mul[c4]=1024,000000 val=0,414565 raw(0,1): 4514 color=2 color4=2 getColorAt()=2 FC=2 BL=1 row=0 col=1 c4=2 rawData[row][col]=4514,000000 scale_mul[c4]=1733,000000 val=0,241153 raw(0,2): 6294 color=3 color4=3 getColorAt()=1 FC=1 BL=0 row=0 col=2 c4=3 rawData[row][col]=6294,000000 scale_mul[c4]=1024,000000 val=0,415152 raw(0,3): 4512 color=2 color4=2 getColorAt()=2 FC=2 BL=1 row=0 col=3 c4=2 rawData[row][col]=4512,000000 scale_mul[c4]=1733,000000 val=0,240958 raw(1,0): 4100 color=0 color4=0 getColorAt()=0 FC=0 BL=2 row=1 col=0 c4=0 rawData[row][col]=4100,000000 scale_mul[c4]=2106,000000 val=0,200606 raw(1,1): 6368 color=1 color4=1 getColorAt()=1 FC=1 BL=3 row=1 col=1 c4=1 rawData[row][col]=6368,000000 scale_mul[c4]=1024,000000 val=0,422329 raw(1,2): 4045 color=0 color4=0 getColorAt()=0 FC=0 BL=2 row=1 col=2 c4=0 rawData[row][col]=4045,000000 scale_mul[c4]=2106,000000 val=0,195229 raw(1,3): 6164 color=1 color4=1 getColorAt()=1 FC=1 BL=3 row=1 col=3 c4=1 rawData[row][col]=6164,000000 scale_mul[c4]=1024,000000 val=0,402385 raw(2,0): 6300 color=3 color4=3 getColorAt()=1 FC=1 BL=0 row=2 col=0 c4=3 rawData[row][col]=6300,000000 scale_mul[c4]=1024,000000 val=0,415738 raw(2,1): 4461 color=2 color4=2 getColorAt()=2 FC=2 BL=1 row=2 col=1 c4=2 rawData[row][col]=4461,000000 scale_mul[c4]=1733,000000 val=0,235973 raw(2,2): 6207 color=3 color4=3 getColorAt()=1 FC=1 BL=0 row=2 col=2 c4=3 rawData[row][col]=6207,000000 scale_mul[c4]=1024,000000 val=0,406647 raw(2,3): 4492 color=2 color4=2 getColorAt()=2 FC=2 BL=1 row=2 col=3 c4=2 rawData[row][col]=4492,000000 scale_mul[c4]=1733,000000 val=0,239003 raw(3,0): 4057 color=0 color4=0 getColorAt()=0 FC=0 BL=2 row=3 col=0 c4=0 rawData[row][col]=4057,000000 scale_mul[c4]=2106,000000 val=0,196402 raw(3,1): 6320 color=1 color4=1 getColorAt()=1 FC=1 BL=3 row=3 col=1 c4=1 rawData[row][col]=6320,000000 scale_mul[c4]=1024,000000 val=0,417636 raw(3,2): 4076 color=0 color4=0 getColorAt()=0 FC=0 BL=2 row=3 col=2 c4=0 rawData[row][col]=4076,000000 scale_mul[c4]=2106,000000 val=0,198260 raw(3,3): 6241 color=1 color4=1 getColorAt()=1 FC=1 BL=3 row=3 col=3 c4=1 rawData[row][col]=6241,000000 scale_mul[c4]=1024,000000 val=0,409913 RawImage: Camera maker/model data: exif_data.exif_maker: Canon exif_data.exif_model: Canon EOS 2000D exif_data.camera_maker: Canon exif_data.camera_model: EOS 2000D exif_data.camera_alias: EOS 2000D exif_data.camera_makermodel: Canon EOS 2000D Getting default camera matrix for makermodel="Canon EOS 2000D" pdata->color.cam_xyz: 0,8532 -0,0701 -0,1167 -0,4095 1,1879 0,2508 -0,0797 0,2424 0,7010 RawImage: rawData.GetBuffer()=0x7f2315d63010 Starting CA correction... ... CA correction finished i=0 j=0 par: 0,466942 -0,031428 0,001906 -0,000023 -0,178180 0,015780 -0,000605 0,000003 0,010201 -0,001160 0,000031 0,000000 -0,000157 0,000018 -0,000000 -0,000000 i=0 j=1 par: -0,279319 -0,041909 0,005395 -0,000114 0,131275 0,085940 -0,008348 0,000165 0,001993 -0,008412 0,000747 -0,000015 -0,000275 0,000214 -0,000018 0,000000 i=1 j=0 par: -0,522552 0,096552 -0,005983 0,000079 0,220906 -0,029612 0,001573 -0,000016 -0,015829 0,002165 -0,000110 0,000001 0,000317 -0,000044 0,000002 -0,000000 i=1 j=1 par: -0,003808 -0,086269 0,006740 -0,000121 0,064948 -0,026628 0,001927 -0,000034 -0,009703 0,003460 -0,000239 0,000004 0,000296 -0,000096 0,000007 -0,000000 i=2 j=0 par: 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 i=2 j=1 par: 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 RawImage: rawData.Reset() called phf_tile_cache_class_init RawImage::load_rawspeed() finished d65_color_matrix[0]: inf has_embedded: 0 isfinite(d65_color_matrix[0]): 0 RawImage: removing thumbnail (.jpg) RawImage: thumbnail removed RawImage::RawImage() finished DynamicRangeCompressorV2Par::build(): logpar=0x7f2348067e00 phf_tile_cache_init phf_tile_pool_init(): called phf_block_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f234822eb00->1 phf_block_cache_build: connecting "minimise" signal from cache->out(0x7f234822eb00) phf_tile_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f234822eb00->1 phf_tile_cache_init phf_block_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f23483dd4b0->1 phf_tile_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f23483dd4b0->1 PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "raw_loader" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "raw_developer_v2" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "gradient" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "dynamic_range_compressor_v2" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "tone_mapping_v2" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "relight" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "curves" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" DynamicRangeCompressorV2Par()::compute_padding(): guided_r=0.5 image size=4003 ss=20.015 level=0 padding=41 OpParBase::build_many_internal(): adding tilecache for output image #0, padding=0 phf_tile_cache_init phf_block_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f2348e7c7d0->1 phf_tile_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f2348e7c7d0->1 OpParBase::build_many_internal(): added tilecache for output image #0, padding=0 DynamicRangeCompressorV2Par::build(): logpar=0x7f234886a120 phf_tile_cache_init phf_block_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f2348e7ce10->1 phf_block_cache_build: connecting "minimise" signal from cache->out(0x7f2348e7ce10) phf_tile_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f2348e7ce10->1 OpParBase::build_many_internal(): adding tilecache for output image #0, padding=0 phf_tile_cache_init phf_block_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f2348ea1650->1 phf_tile_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f2348ea1650->1 OpParBase::build_many_internal(): added tilecache for output image #0, padding=0 phf_tile_cache_init phf_block_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f2348ec2970->1 phf_tile_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f2348ec2970->1 OpParBase::build_many_internal(): adding tilecache for output image #0, padding=0 phf_tile_cache_init phf_block_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f2348ed1190->1 phf_tile_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f2348ed1190->1 OpParBase::build_many_internal(): added tilecache for output image #0, padding=0 Pipeline: force_rebuild set to true PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "raw_loader" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "raw_developer_v2" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "gradient" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "dynamic_range_compressor_v2" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "tone_mapping_v2" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "relight" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "curves" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "blender" PF::new_operation: creating operation of type "uniform" DynamicRangeCompressorV2Par()::compute_padding(): guided_r=0.5 image size=4003 ss=20.015 level=5 padding=2 ImagePyramid::get_level(): processing of level #5 took 0.883104 s DynamicRangeCompressorV2Par::build(): logpar=0x7f234935ef40 phf_tile_cache_init phf_block_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f2348ed1c80->1 phf_block_cache_build: connecting "minimise" signal from cache->out(0x7f2348ed1c80) phf_tile_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f2348ed1c80->1 phf_block_cache_minimise() called cache hash table size: 2 Pipeline: force_rebuild set to true DynamicRangeCompressorV2Par()::compute_padding(): guided_r=0.5 image size=4003 ss=20.015 level=0 padding=41 DynamicRangeCompressorV2Par()::compute_padding(): guided_r=0.5 image size=4003 ss=20.015 level=2 padding=11 OpParBase::build_many_internal(): adding tilecache for output image #0, padding=0 phf_tile_cache_init phf_block_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f234b0b5020->1 phf_tile_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f234b0b5020->1 OpParBase::build_many_internal(): added tilecache for output image #0, padding=0 DynamicRangeCompressorV2Par::build(): logpar=0x7f234886a120 phf_tile_cache_init phf_block_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f234b0b5660->1 phf_block_cache_build: connecting "minimise" signal from cache->out(0x7f234b0b5660) phf_tile_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f234b0b5660->1 OpParBase::build_many_internal(): adding tilecache for output image #0, padding=0 phf_tile_cache_init phf_block_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f234b0b5e30->1 phf_tile_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f234b0b5e30->1 OpParBase::build_many_internal(): added tilecache for output image #0, padding=0 phf_tile_cache_init phf_block_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f234b0c4c90->1 phf_tile_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f234b0c4c90->1 OpParBase::build_many_internal(): adding tilecache for output image #0, padding=0 phf_tile_cache_init phf_block_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f234b0cf4b0->1 phf_tile_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f234b0cf4b0->1 OpParBase::build_many_internal(): added tilecache for output image #0, padding=0 phf_block_cache_dispose(): called, cache: 0x7f2348228580 cache->tiles: 0x7f2348ed3c00 cache hash table size: 0 phf_block_cache_dispose(): after phf_block_cache_drop_all phf_block_cache_dispose(): called, cache: 0x7f23482284d0 cache->tiles: 0x7f2348ecb180 cache hash table size: 0 phf_block_cache_dispose(): after phf_block_cache_drop_all phf_block_cache_dispose(): called, cache: 0x7f2348228420 cache->tiles: 0x7f2348e9f6a0 cache hash table size: 0 phf_block_cache_dispose(): after phf_block_cache_drop_all phf_block_cache_dispose(): called, cache: 0x7f2338005650 cache->tiles: 0x7f2348e8c860 cache hash table size: 0 phf_block_cache_dispose(): after phf_block_cache_drop_all phf_block_cache_dispose(): called, cache: 0x7f23380054f0 cache->tiles: 0x47e7b00 cache hash table size: 0 phf_block_cache_dispose(): after phf_block_cache_drop_all DynamicRangeCompressorV2Par()::compute_padding(): guided_r=0.5 image size=4003 ss=20.015 level=5 padding=2 phf_block_cache_minimise() called cache hash table size: 2 phf_block_cache_minimise() called cache hash table size: 0 phf_block_cache_minimise() called cache hash table size: 96 ~OpParBase(): deleting operation 0x7f234c09a020 (gradient) ~OpParBase(): deleting operation 0x7f2348061fa0 (uniform) ~OpParBase(): deleting operation 0x7f234805ec50 (blender) ~OpParBase(): deleting operation 0x7f23484d25d0 (gradient) ~OpParBase(): deleting operation 0x7f2348822f90 (uniform) ~OpParBase(): deleting operation 0x7f234881fc40 (blender) ~OpParBase(): deleting operation 0x7f2348fc7240 (gradient) ~OpParBase(): deleting operation 0x7f2349317c00 (uniform) ~OpParBase(): deleting operation 0x7f23493148b0 (blender) ~OpParBase(): deleting operation 0x7f234c301020 (gradient) ~OpParBase(): deleting operation 0x4c83e40 (uniform) ~OpParBase(): deleting operation 0x4c80a70 (blender) DynamicRangeCompressorV2Par()::compute_padding(): guided_r=0.5 image size=4003 ss=20.015 level=0 padding=41 phf_tile_cache_init phf_block_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f2348ea1010->1 phf_tile_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f2348ea1010->1 phf_block_cache_dispose(): called, cache: 0x7f2338005440 cache->tiles: 0x7f23483e5920 cache hash table size: 0 phf_block_cache_dispose(): after phf_block_cache_drop_all DynamicRangeCompressorV2Par()::compute_padding(): guided_r=0.5 image size=4003 ss=20.015 level=2 padding=11 phf_tile_cache_init phf_block_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f23483dd320->1 phf_tile_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f23483dd320->1 OpParBase::build_many_internal(): adding tilecache for output image #0, padding=0 phf_tile_cache_init phf_block_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f2348ec27e0->1 phf_tile_cache_build(): out ref count: 0x7f2348ec27e0->1 OpParBase::build_many_internal(): added tilecache for output image #0, padding=0 phf_block_cache_dispose(): called, cache: 0x7f23383155a0 cache->tiles: 0x7f23042e5400 cache hash table size: 96 phf_block_cache_dispose(): after phf_block_cache_drop_all phf_block_cache_dispose(): called, cache: 0x7f23302aa810 cache->tiles: 0x7f2330489300 cache hash table size: 96 phf_block_cache_dispose(): after phf_block_cache_drop_all DynamicRangeCompressorV2Par()::compute_padding(): guided_r=0.5 image size=4003 ss=20.015 level=5 padding=2 Error: signal 11: Error: signal 11: /tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/bin/photoflow.bin(_Z7handleri+0x18)[0x5cd728] /tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/usr/bin/photoflow.bin(_Z7handleri+0x18)[0x5cd728] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f2359eaef20] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f2359eaef20] 521 objects alive: 0) VipsRegion (0x7f2304239700), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2304239700, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 384, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 1) VipsLayer (0x7f2348ea0760), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=3 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0c4c90) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f23494dd480) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=188 height=126 nbands=3 serial=90 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0c4e20) in1=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0cf4b0) in2=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0cf640) - 2) VipsImage (0x7f234b0cf000), count=5 VipsImage (image), image class, 206x144 float, 1 band, b-w 3) VipsLayer (0x7f2348ea0b60), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234af097e0) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2348fa3100) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=188 height=126 nbands=3 serial=39 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234af09650) - 4) VipsRegion (0x7f23302aace0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23302aace0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1408, top = 384, width = 96, height = 128, 0,141MB 5) VipsRegion (0x7f23306dfa40), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306dfa40, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 128, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 6) VipsRegion (0x7f23046c5450), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046c5450, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 128, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 7) VipsRegion (0x7f233853a590), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233853a590, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 768, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 8) VipsRegion (0x7f230c150580), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c150580, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1024, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 9) PhFTileCache (0x7f2338005440), count=1 PhFTileCache (phf_tilecache), cache an image as a set of tiles, phf_tilecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483c1c80) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ec27e0) access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_RANDOM) threaded=TRUE persistent=TRUE - 10) VipsEmbed (0x428ab40), count=1 VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image, embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483dd320) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483dd190) x=68 y=68 width=1640 height=1137 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) - 11) VipsRegion (0x7f230c070010), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c070010, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 128, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 12) VipsImage (0x7f234822b960), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6x4015 float, 2 bands, multiband 13) VipsRegion (0x7f23300038e0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23300038e0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 0, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 14) VipsImage (0x7f234b0c4c90), count=7 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 3 bands, rgb 15) VipsRegion (0x7f230c151580), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c151580, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 384, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 16) VipsLayer (0x7f23483d8140), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483dd000) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f23489f1320) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=1640 height=1137 nbands=1 serial=81 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483dd190) - 17) VipsLayer (0x7f23483d8540), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ec2650) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2348b6bec0) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=1504 height=1001 nbands=3 serial=83 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ec27e0) - 18) VipsLayer (0x7f234b0b8130), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=3 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b5ca0) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f23488260f0) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=1504 height=1001 nbands=3 serial=59 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b5b10) in1=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b5660) in2=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b5340) - 19) VipsLayer (0x7f23483d8940), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=3 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ec2b00) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2348085620) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=6014 height=4003 nbands=3 serial=75 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ec2c90) in1=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7c4b0) in2=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7c640) - 20) VipsRegion (0x7f2338274f00), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2338274f00, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1280, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 21) VipsImage (0x7f234af09970), count=6 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 3 bands, rgb 22) VipsRegion (0x7f233853c590), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233853c590, im = 0x7f2348ed1c80, left = 0, top = 2, width = 188, height = 44 23) VipsRegion (0x7f233824ecd0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233824ecd0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 0, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 24) VipsRegion (0x7f230461f440), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230461f440, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1024, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 25) VipsRegion (0x7f233061db80), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233061db80, im = 0x7f234b0cf320, left = 0, top = 7, width = 194, height = 40, 0,0296MB 26) VipsFlip (0x7f23482259c0), count=1 VipsFlip (flip), flip an image, flip in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822b7d0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822baf0) direction=((VipsDirection) VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL) - 27) crop (0x7f2348247030), count=1 crop (extract_area), extract an area from an image, extract_area input=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0c4010) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0c41a0) left=3 top=3 width=188 height=126 - 28) VipsImage (0x7f234823dca0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 3 bands, rgb 29) crop (0x7f2348247430), count=1 crop (extract_area), extract an area from an image, extract_area input=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b5980) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b5b10) left=11 top=11 width=1504 height=1001 - 30) VipsRegion (0x7f23046b1170), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046b1170, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 512, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 31) VipsRegion (0x7f230c070430), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c070430, im = 0x7f234b0c4b00, left = 0, top = 16, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0344MB 32) VipsRegion (0x7f233053e210), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233053e210, im = 0x7f234b0cf4b0, left = 0, top = 20, width = 188, height = 40 33) VipsRegion (0x7f23384bdba0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23384bdba0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 896, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 34) VipsLayer (0x7f234b07f000), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2349973af0) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f234935ef30) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=188 height=126 nbands=1 serial=43 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2349973960) - 35) VipsRegion (0x7f23046ebac0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046ebac0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 384, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 36) VipsImage (0x7f234822b190), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6x4015 float, 2 bands, multiband 37) VipsImage (0x7f2349973960), count=7 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 3 bands, rgb 38) VipsRegion (0x7f23306c9390), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306c9390, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 896, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 39) VipsRegion (0x7f23385cc2f0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23385cc2f0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 128, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 40) VipsLayer (0x7f234b07fc00), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b51b0) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f23484d25c0) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=1504 height=1001 nbands=3 serial=55 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b5020) - 41) VipsRegion (0x7f233c006230), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233c006230, im = 0x7f234b0c41a0, left = 0, top = 7, width = 188, height = 34 42) VipsImage (0x7f234822e970), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 1 band, b-w 43) VipsImage (0x7f234af091a0), count=5 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 3 bands, rgb 44) VipsEmbed (0x428a780), count=1 VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image, embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0cf4b0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0cf320) x=3 y=3 width=194 height=132 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) - 45) VipsImage (0x7f2348ed1960), count=4 VipsImage (image), image class, 192x130 float, 1 band, b-w 46) VipsRegion (0x7f230c229390), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c229390, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1408, top = 640, width = 96, height = 128, 0,141MB 47) VipsImage (0x7f2348e7c960), count=2 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 3 bands, rgb 48) VipsRegion (0x7f2330005d00), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330005d00, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 256, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 49) VipsCopy (0x7f23044d1020), count=1 VipsCopy (copy), copy an image, copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ed1af0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23499737d0) bands=3 format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT) coding=((VipsCoding) VIPS_CODING_NONE) interpretation=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_RGB) - 50) VipsRegion (0x7f230453f2f0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230453f2f0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 384, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 51) VipsImage (0x7f234b0b5980), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1526x1023 float, 1 band, b-w 52) VipsImage (0x7f234823d4d0) 24 bytes, count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6020x4015 float, 2 bands, multiband 53) VipsCopy (0x50e0f00), count=1 VipsCopy (copy), copy an image, copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822e1a0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822b000) bands=3 format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT) coding=((VipsCoding) VIPS_CODING_NONE) interpretation=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_RGB) - 54) VipsImage (0x7f2348ec2e20), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6558x4547 float, 1 band, b-w 55) VipsRegion (0x7f230c3a9990), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c3a9990, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 0, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 56) VipsRegion (0x7f23041d0c50), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23041d0c50, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1408, top = 896, width = 96, height = 105, 0,115MB 57) VipsRegion (0x7f2330540a20), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330540a20, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 384, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 58) VipsRegion (0x7f23385a80c0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23385a80c0, im = 0x7f234af09c90, left = 0, top = 0, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0344MB 59) VipsRegion (0x7f23385a74d0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23385a74d0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 0, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 60) VipsRegion (0x7f23042a7640), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23042a7640, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1152, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 61) VipsRegion (0x7f230c002990), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c002990, im = 0x7f2348ed1c80, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 62) VipsImage (0x7f2349973190), count=3 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 3 bands, rgb 63) VipsLayer (0x4727420), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822b640) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f234801b8b0) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=6014 height=4003 nbands=2 serial=2 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x41cd1b0) - 64) VipsImage (0x7f234822e1a0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 3 bands, rgb 65) VipsLayer (0x4727820), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822e650) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f234c09a010) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=6014 height=4003 nbands=3 serial=6 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822e4c0) - 66) VipsRegion (0x7f2304002220), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2304002220, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 256, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 67) VipsLayer (0x4727c20), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=3 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483c1190) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f234c058010) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=6014 height=4003 nbands=3 serial=10 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483c1000) in1=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822eb00) in2=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822e7e0) - 68) VipsImage (0x7f2348ed1190), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1011 float, 3 bands, rgb 69) VipsImage (0x7f2348e7c190), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 1 band, b-w 70) VipsImage (0x7f234b0b51b0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 3 bands, rgb 71) VipsImage (0x7f23483dd960), count=2 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 1 band, b-w 72) VipsReducev (0x7f234b0c90c0), count=1 VipsReducev (reducev), shrink an image vertically, reducev in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7caf0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ed1000) vshrink=1,479823 kernel=((VipsKernel) VIPS_KERNEL_LANCZOS3) centre=TRUE - 73) VipsRegion (0x7f23383f1970), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23383f1970, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1024, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 74) VipsImage (0x7f234b099b00), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 3 bands, rgb 75) VipsRegion (0x7f230c3a9db0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c3a9db0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 128, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 76) VipsRegion (0x7f2330540e40), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330540e40, im = 0x7f234b0cf4b0, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 77) VipsRegion (0x7f2330485710), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330485710, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1280, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 78) VipsImage (0x7f2348ec2650), count=3 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 3 bands, rgb 79) VipsImage (0x7f2348ea17e0), count=2 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x676 float, 3 bands, rgb 80) VipsJoin (0x4369d40), count=1 VipsJoin (join), join a pair of images, join in1=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823d1b0) in2=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822bc80) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823d340) direction=((VipsDirection) VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL) - 81) VipsRegion (0x7f2338688660), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2338688660, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1152, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 82) VipsRegion (0x7f230c002db0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c002db0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1024, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 83) VipsRegion (0x7f233853a220), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233853a220, im = 0x7f2348ed1960, left = 0, top = 0, width = 192, height = 32, 0,0234MB 84) VipsRegion (0x7f23385ab4d0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23385ab4d0, im = 0x7f234af09c90, left = 0, top = 32, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0344MB 85) VipsCopy (0x7f23380050d0), count=1 VipsCopy (copy), copy an image, copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823d980) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823d020) - 86) VipsRegion (0x7f23046d5030), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046d5030, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1280, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 87) VipsImage (0x7f23483dd190), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1640x1137 float, 1 band, b-w 88) crop (0x7f2348225a40), count=1 crop (extract_area), extract an area from an image, extract_area input=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822bc80) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822b190) left=1 top=0 width=6 height=4015 - 89) crop (0x7f23482470b0), count=1 crop (extract_area), extract an area from an image, extract_area input=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483dd000) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483c1e10) left=68 top=68 width=1504 height=1001 - 90) SinkThreadState (0x7f230c27a820), count=1 SinkThreadState (sinkthreadstate), per-thread state for sink, 91) VipsRegion (0x7f2330541e60), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330541e60, im = 0x7f2349973960, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 92) VipsRegion (0x7f233824e960), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233824e960, im = 0x7f234af09330, left = 0, top = 4, width = 188, height = 40, 0,0287MB 93) VipsImage (0x41d0ca0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x6 float, 2 bands, multiband 94) VipsImage (0x7f234b0cf4b0), count=9 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 1 band, b-w 95) VipsRegion (0x7f23302aad90), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23302aad90, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1408, top = 512, width = 96, height = 128, 0,141MB 96) VipsImage (0x7f2348ea1010), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 1 band, b-w 97) VipsRegion (0x7f23306dfaf0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306dfaf0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 256, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 98) VipsRegion (0x7f230c150630), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c150630, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1152, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 99) VipsRegion (0x7f23046c5500), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046c5500, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 0, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 100) VipsRegion (0x7f230c0700c0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c0700c0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 256, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 101) VipsRegion (0x7f2304603230), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2304603230, im = 0x7f2348ed14b0, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 102) VipsRegion (0x7f23386f6170), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23386f6170, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 384, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 103) VipsImage (0x7f234822be10) 24 bytes, count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4015 float, 2 bands, multiband 104) VipsRegion (0x7f2330003990), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330003990, im = 0x7f234af091a0, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 105) VipsRegion (0x7f23384bd830), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23384bd830, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 640, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 106) VipsRegion (0x7f23306c9020), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306c9020, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1152, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 107) VipsRegion (0x7f233824ed80), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233824ed80, im = 0x7f234b0c4b00, left = 0, top = 48, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0344MB 108) VipsRegion (0x7f230461f4f0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230461f4f0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 640, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 109) VipsRegion (0x7f23306dff10), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306dff10, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 0, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 110) VipsRegion (0x7f233061dc30), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233061dc30, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1024, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 111) crop (0x7f2348222e90), count=1 crop (extract_area), extract an area from an image, extract_area input=((VipsImage*) 0x41cd1b0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x41d0ca0) left=0 top=1 width=6014 height=6 - 112) VipsRegion (0x7f230c229020), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c229020, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 256, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 113) VipsRegion (0x7f233826f800), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233826f800, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1152, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 114) VipsRegion (0x7f233053e2c0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233053e2c0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 128, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 115) VipsImage (0x7f23483c1320), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1522x1019 float, 1 band, b-w 116) PhFTileCache (0x7f2304316d80), count=1 PhFTileCache (phf_tilecache), cache an image as a set of tiles, phf_tilecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2349973af0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ed1c80) access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_RANDOM) threaded=TRUE persistent=FALSE - 117) VipsRegion (0x7f230c27dc30), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c27dc30, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1408, top = 384, width = 96, height = 128, 0,141MB 118) VipsRegion (0x7f23386f6590), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23386f6590, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 256, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 119) VipsRegion (0x7f23384bdc50), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23384bdc50, im = 0x7f234af09c90, left = 0, top = 16, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0344MB 120) VipsImage (0x7f234822b640), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 2 bands, multiband 121) VipsRegion (0x7f23306c9440), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306c9440, im = 0x7f234b0cf640, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 122) VipsLayer (0x7f2348ea0060), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7c4b0) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2348088700) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=6014 height=4003 nbands=1 serial=70 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7c640) - 123) VipsImage (0x7f2349973e10), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 752x501 float, 3 bands, rgb 124) VipsImage (0x7f234822ee20), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6056x4045 float, 1 band, b-w 125) VipsRegion (0x7f233c0062e0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233c0062e0, im = 0x7f234b0c4b00, left = 0, top = 32, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0344MB 126) VipsRegion (0x7f230c229440), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c229440, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1152, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 127) VipsImage (0x7f234af09650), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 3 bands, rgb 128) VipsLayer (0x7f2348ea0860), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ea1650) processor=((gpointer) 0x47a2310) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=1504 height=1001 nbands=3 serial=84 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ec2650) - 129) VipsImage (0x7f2348ed1e10), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 3 bands, rgb 130) VipsLayer (0x7f2348ea0c60), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234af091a0) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2348fa8360) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=188 height=126 nbands=3 serial=40 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234af097e0) - 131) VipsImage (0x7f234b0b5e30), count=3 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 3 bands, rgb 132) VipsRegion (0x7f233826fc20), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233826fc20, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 512, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 133) VipsRegion (0x7f23046b1640), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046b1640, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 384, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 134) VipsRegion (0x7f233053e6e0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233053e6e0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 896, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 135) VipsImage (0x7f2348e7ce10), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 1 band, b-w 136) VipsImage (0x7f234823d980), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6026x4015 float, 2 bands, multiband 137) VipsRegion (0x7f230468d000), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230468d000, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1152, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 138) VipsRegion (0x7f230c3a9a40), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c3a9a40, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 128, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 139) VipsImage (0x41c21b0), count=4 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x6 float, 2 bands, multiband 140) VipsRegion (0x7f23304853a0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23304853a0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1024, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 141) VipsRegion (0x7f2330540ad0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330540ad0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1280, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 142) VipsRegion (0x7f23042c5980), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23042c5980, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 512, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 143) VipsRegion (0x7f23041d0d00), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23041d0d00, im = 0x7f2348ed1c80, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 144) VipsRegion (0x7f23385a7580), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23385a7580, im = 0x7f234b0cf640, left = 0, top = 0, width = 188, height = 28, 0,0602MB 145) VipsLayer (0x7f23483d8240), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483c1320) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f23489ef1b0) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=1522 height=1019 nbands=1 serial=80 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483ddaf0) - 146) VipsRegion (0x7f23386882f0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23386882f0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 384, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 147) VipsRegion (0x7f230c002a40), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c002a40, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1408, top = 640, width = 96, height = 128, 0,141MB 148) VipsRegion (0x7f23386f95a0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23386f95a0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 640, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 149) VipsImage (0x7f234b0c41a0), count=4 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 1 band, b-w 150) VipsLayer (0x7f23483d8a40), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ec2e20) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2348090500) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=6558 height=4547 nbands=1 serial=74 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ea1970) - 151) VipsRegion (0x7f23046b3240), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046b3240, im = 0x7f234b0cf320, left = 0, top = 23, width = 194, height = 40, 0,0296MB 152) VipsLayer (0x7f23483d8e40), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7c320) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f234808a050) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=6020 height=4009 nbands=1 serial=71 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7c7d0) - 153) VipsRegion (0x7f23042a76f0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23042a76f0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 640, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 154) VipsImage (0x7f2349973640), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 752x501 float, 3 bands, rgb 155) VipsImage (0x7f234822e650), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 3 bands, rgb 156) VipsLayer (0x7f23483d8640), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0c4010) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f23494e1eb0) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=194 height=132 nbands=1 serial=88 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0cf320) - 157) VipsImage (0x7f2348ed1640), count=2 VipsImage (image), image class, 1016x676 float, 3 bands, rgb 158) VipsFlip (0x7f2348225ac0), count=1 VipsFlip (flip), flip an image, flip in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822b190) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823d1b0) direction=((VipsDirection) VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL) - 159) VipsImage (0x7f234b0b5660), count=2 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 1 band, b-w 160) VipsImage (0x41ddc80), count=4 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4009 float, 2 bands, multiband 161) crop (0x7f2348247130), count=1 crop (extract_area), extract an area from an image, extract_area input=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483c1320) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483dd4b0) left=9 top=9 width=1504 height=1001 - 162) VipsRegion (0x7f2338539ac0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2338539ac0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 640, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 163) VipsRegion (0x7f230468d420), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230468d420, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1280, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 164) VipsImage (0x7f23483dde10), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6032x4021 float, 1 band, b-w 165) VipsRegion (0x7f2330540ef0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330540ef0, im = 0x7f234b0c4e20, left = 0, top = 0, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0115MB 166) VipsImage (0x7f234823d1b0), count=4 VipsImage (image), image class, 6x4015 float, 2 bands, multiband 167) VipsImage (0x7f2348ec2b00), count=3 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 3 bands, rgb 168) VipsImage (0x7f2348e7c640), count=4 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 3 bands, rgb 169) VipsRegion (0x7f230c3a9e60), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c3a9e60, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 256, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 170) VipsLayer (0x7f234b07f100), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234af09010) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2349368d40) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=192 height=130 nbands=1 serial=44 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ed1960) - 171) VipsRegion (0x7f23046c5190), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046c5190, im = 0x7f234af09970, left = 0, top = 4, width = 188, height = 40, 0,0861MB 172) VipsRegion (0x7f23302aaa20), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23302aaa20, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 512, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 173) VipsLayer (0x7f234b07f900), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b099b00) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2348498260) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=1504 height=1001 nbands=3 serial=52 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2349973000) - 174) VipsRegion (0x7f233822db80), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233822db80, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 0, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 175) VipsLayer (0x7f234b07fd00), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b5340) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2348518bb0) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=1504 height=1001 nbands=3 serial=56 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b51b0) - 176) VipsRegion (0x7f230c1502c0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c1502c0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1280, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 177) VipsRegion (0x7f23482282c0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23482282c0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1152, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 178) VipsTileCache (0x7f2338005180), count=1 VipsTileCache (tilecache), cache an image as a set of tiles, tilecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822b4b0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823d660) tile-width=128 tile-height=128 max-tiles=141 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_RANDOM) threaded=TRUE persistent=FALSE - 179) VipsRegion (0x7f233068c370), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233068c370, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 896, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 180) VipsEmbed (0x428ac80), count=1 VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image, embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7c190) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7c000) x=9 y=9 width=6032 height=4021 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) - 181) VipsRegion (0x7f23046d50e0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046d50e0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 128, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 182) VipsImage (0x7f23483dd640), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1510x1007 float, 1 band, b-w 183) VipsFlip (0x7f2348222f10), count=1 VipsFlip (flip), flip an image, flip in=((VipsImage*) 0x41d0ca0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x41c21b0) direction=((VipsDirection) VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL) - 184) VipsRegion (0x7f2338274c40), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2338274c40, im = 0x7f234b0cf320, left = 0, top = 0, width = 194, height = 31, 0,0229MB 185) VipsEmbed (0x7f2348ea30a0), count=1 VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image, embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483dd960) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483dd7d0) x=3 y=3 width=1510 height=1007 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) - 186) VipsRegion (0x7f2330541f10), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330541f10, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 896, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 187) VipsRegion (0x7f233824ea10), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233824ea10, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1024, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 188) VipsRegion (0x7f233061d8c0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233061d8c0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 640, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 189) VipsRegion (0x7f23384ce000), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23384ce000, im = 0x7f2349973190, left = 128, top = 0, width = 60, height = 126, 0,0865MB 190) VipsImage (0x7f2348ea14c0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1016x676 float, 3 bands, rgb 191) VipsRegion (0x7f233853a6f0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233853a6f0, im = 0x7f234b0cf640, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 192) VipsRegion (0x7f230c070170), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c070170, im = 0x7f234b0c4b00, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 193) VipsLayer (0x4727520), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822b320) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f234800ecf0) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_SMALLTILE) width=6014 height=4003 nbands=3 serial=3 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822b640) - 194) VipsLayer (0x4727920), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822e7e0) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2336ef3010) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=6014 height=4003 nbands=3 serial=7 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822e650) - 195) VipsCopy (0x7f23046032e0), count=1 VipsCopy (copy), copy an image, copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ed1000) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ed17d0) - 196) VipsRegion (0x7f230c27d8c0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c27d8c0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1280, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 197) VipsLayer (0x4727d20), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483c14b0) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f234887c7a0) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=1504 height=1001 nbands=3 serial=77 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b5e30) - 198) VipsRegion (0x7f230c1516e0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c1516e0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 256, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 199) VipsRegion (0x7f230c2290d0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c2290d0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 0, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 200) VipsEmbed (0x428a8c0), count=1 VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image, embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ed17d0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ed1320) x=4 y=0 width=1514 height=676 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) - 201) VipsRegion (0x7f2330005a40), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330005a40, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 256, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 202) VipsCopy (0x7f23303f5ae0), count=1 VipsCopy (copy), copy an image, copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ed1e10) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2349973000) bands=3 format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT) coding=((VipsCoding) VIPS_CODING_NONE) interpretation=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_RGB) - 203) VipsImage (0x7f234b0cf190), count=5 VipsImage (image), image class, 206x144 float, 1 band, b-w 204) VipsRegion (0x7f233053e370), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233053e370, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 128, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 205) VipsImage (0x41cd1b0), count=10 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 2 bands, multiband 206) VipsReduceh (0x7f2348eb5000) 7800 bytes, count=1 VipsReduceh (reduceh), shrink an image horizontally, reduceh in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ed1000) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ed1640) kernel=((VipsKernel) VIPS_KERNEL_LANCZOS3) hshrink=1,479823 centre=TRUE - 207) VipsRegion (0x7f230c27dce0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c27dce0, im = 0x7f234b0c4e20, left = 0, top = 16, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0115MB 208) VipsRegion (0x7f23046b12d0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046b12d0, im = 0x7f234b0c41a0, left = 0, top = 23, width = 188, height = 34 209) VipsRegion (0x7f23386f6640), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23386f6640, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 640, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 210) VipsRegion (0x7f2330003e60), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330003e60, im = 0x7f234b0cf640, left = 0, top = 4, width = 188, height = 40, 0,0861MB 211) VipsRegion (0x7f23384bdd00), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23384bdd00, im = 0x7f234b0cf640, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 212) VipsCopy (0x7f23046ebc20), count=1 VipsCopy (copy), copy an image, copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2349973320) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23499734b0) bands=3 format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT) coding=((VipsCoding) VIPS_CODING_NONE) interpretation=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_RGB) - 213) VipsImage (0x7f234822baf0), count=4 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x6 float, 2 bands, multiband 214) VipsRegion (0x7f23385cc450), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23385cc450, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 0, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 215) VipsRegion (0x7f23385a7210), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23385a7210, im = 0x7f2348ed1960, left = 0, top = 20, width = 192, height = 44, 0,0322MB 216) VipsImage (0x7f234b0c4e20), count=5 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 1 band, b-w 217) VipsRegion (0x7f233c006390), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233c006390, im = 0x7f2349973af0, left = 0, top = 0, width = 128, height = 126 218) crop (0x7f2348225b40), count=1 crop (extract_area), extract an area from an image, extract_area input=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483dd640) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483ddc80) left=3 top=3 width=1504 height=1001 - 219) crop (0x7f23482471b0), count=1 crop (extract_area), extract an area from an image, extract_area input=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483dde10) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7ce10) left=9 top=9 width=6014 height=4003 - 220) crop (0x7f2348225f40), count=1 crop (extract_area), extract an area from an image, extract_area input=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ec2e20) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ec2c90) left=272 top=272 width=6014 height=4003 - 221) crop (0x7f23482475b0), count=1 crop (extract_area), extract an area from an image, extract_area input=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234af09010) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234af09330) left=2 top=2 width=188 height=126 - 222) VipsRegion (0x7f2330005e60), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330005e60, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 896, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 223) VipsRegion (0x7f23046b16f0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046b16f0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 512, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 224) VipsImage (0x7f234823de30), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6026x4015 float, 3 bands, rgb 225) VipsRegion (0x7f230c3a9af0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c3a9af0, im = 0x7f234b0cf4b0, left = 0, top = 0, width = 188, height = 28 226) VipsImage (0x7f23483c1000), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 1 band, b-w 227) VipsRegion (0x7f23041d0db0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23041d0db0, im = 0x7f234b0cf4b0, left = 0, top = 4, width = 188, height = 40 228) VipsRegion (0x7f23042c5a30), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23042c5a30, im = 0x7f234af09330, left = 0, top = 20, width = 188, height = 40, 0,0287MB 229) VipsRegion (0x7f230468d0b0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230468d0b0, im = 0x7f234af091a0, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 230) VipsRegion (0x7f23385a7630), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23385a7630, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 256, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 231) VipsRegion (0x7f23046b32f0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046b32f0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 0, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 232) VipsRegion (0x7f230c002af0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c002af0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1408, top = 768, width = 96, height = 128, 0,141MB 233) VipsJoin (0x4369e80), count=1 VipsJoin (join), join a pair of images, join in1=((VipsImage*) 0x41c21b0) in2=((VipsImage*) 0x41cd1b0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x41ddc80) direction=((VipsDirection) VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL) - 234) VipsImage (0x7f234822b320), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 3 bands, rgb 235) VipsImage (0x7f2349973af0), count=6 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 1 band, b-w 236) VipsImage (0x7f234822eb00), count=2 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 1 band, b-w 237) VipsImage (0x7f234af09330), count=4 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 1 band, b-w 238) VipsImage (0x7f2348ed1af0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 3007x2002 float, 3 bands, rgb 239) VipsImage (0x7f2348e7caf0), count=3 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 3 bands, rgb 240) VipsImage (0x7f234b0b5b10), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 1 band, b-w 241) VipsRegion (0x7f230468d4d0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230468d4d0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1280, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 242) VipsRegion (0x7f230c3a9f10), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c3a9f10, im = 0x7f234b0c4b00, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 243) VipsInsert (0x507b550), count=1 VipsInsert (insert), insert image @sub into @main at @x, @y, insert main=((VipsImage*) 0x41c21b0) sub=((VipsImage*) 0x41cd1b0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x41dde10) x=0 y=6 expand=TRUE background=0 - 244) VipsImage (0x7f234823d660), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 3 bands, rgb 245) VipsRegion (0x7f23042394f0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23042394f0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 384, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 246) VipsRegion (0x7f23046b3710), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046b3710, im = 0x7f234af09970, left = 0, top = 20, width = 188, height = 40, 0,0861MB 247) VipsRegion (0x7f230c002f10), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c002f10, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1152, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 248) VipsRegion (0x7f2330541ba0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330541ba0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1152, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 249) VipsRegion (0x7f23304d38d0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23304d38d0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 512, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 250) VipsRegion (0x7f23302aaad0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23302aaad0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 640, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 251) VipsRegion (0x7f23306df830), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306df830, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1280, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 252) VipsRegion (0x7f233822dc30), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233822dc30, im = 0x7f234b0c4e20, left = 0, top = 32, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0115MB 253) PhFTileCache (0x7f23383f1ef0), count=1 PhFTileCache (phf_tilecache), cache an image as a set of tiles, phf_tilecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b099e20) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b5020) access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_RANDOM) threaded=TRUE persistent=TRUE - 254) VipsRegion (0x7f230c150370), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c150370, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1280, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 255) VipsRegion (0x7f233068c420), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233068c420, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 384, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 256) VipsLayer (0x7f2348ea0960), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ea1330) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f234808e390) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=6082 height=4071 nbands=1 serial=73 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7cc80) - 257) VipsImage (0x7f2349973320), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 376x251 float, 3 bands, rgb 258) VipsLayer (0x7f2348ea0d60), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2349973190) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2348fc7230) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=188 height=126 nbands=3 serial=41 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234af091a0) - 259) VipsRegion (0x7f23046d5190), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046d5190, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 0, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 260) VipsImage (0x7f234822e330), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 3 bands, rgb 261) VipsRegion (0x7f230c151370), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c151370, im = 0x7f2349973960, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 262) VipsImage (0x7f2348ed1320), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1514x676 float, 3 bands, rgb 263) VipsImage (0x7f2348e7c320), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6020x4009 float, 1 band, b-w 264) VipsImage (0x7f234b0b5340), count=2 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 3 bands, rgb 265) VipsImage (0x7f23483ddaf0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1522x1019 float, 1 band, b-w 266) VipsCopy (0x7f2338274cf0), count=1 VipsCopy (copy), copy an image, copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2349973c80) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234af094c0) bands=3 format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT) coding=((VipsCoding) VIPS_CODING_NONE) interpretation=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_RGB) - 267) VipsRegion (0x7f230c27a980), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c27a980, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 0, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 268) VipsImage (0x7f234b099c90), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 3 bands, rgb 269) VipsRegion (0x7f23306dfc50), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306dfc50, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 128, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 270) VipsRegion (0x7f23046c5660), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046c5660, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 128, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 271) VipsImage (0x7f2348ec27e0), count=3 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 3 bands, rgb 272) VipsLayer (0x7f23483d8340), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483dd640) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f23489ecfe0) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=1510 height=1007 nbands=1 serial=79 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483dd7d0) - 273) VipsImage (0x7f2348ea1970), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6558x4547 float, 1 band, b-w 274) VipsLayer (0x7f23483d8740), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0cf4b0) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f23494e0560) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=188 height=126 nbands=1 serial=87 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0cf640) - 275) VipsLayer (0x7f23483d8b40), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483dde10) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f234808c220) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=6032 height=4021 nbands=1 serial=72 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7c000) - 276) VipsLayer (0x7f234b0b8730), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0c4b00) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2349660d90) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=188 height=126 nbands=3 serial=91 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0c4c90) - 277) VipsRegion (0x7f233053e000), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233053e000, im = 0x7f234b0cf640, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 278) VipsRegion (0x7f2304603390), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2304603390, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 128, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 279) VipsRegion (0x7f230c27d970), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c27d970, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1280, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 280) VipsRegion (0x7f2330003af0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330003af0, im = 0x7f234b0c4c90, left = 0, top = 48, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0344MB 281) VipsRegion (0x7f23384bd990), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23384bd990, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 768, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 282) crop (0x7f2348225bc0), count=1 crop (extract_area), extract an area from an image, extract_area input=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ea1330) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ea11a0) left=34 top=34 width=6014 height=4003 - 283) crop (0x7f2348247230), count=1 crop (extract_area), extract an area from an image, extract_area input=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7c320) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7c190) left=3 top=3 width=6014 height=4003 - 284) VipsRegion (0x7f23046eb8b0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046eb8b0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1280, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 285) crop (0x7f2348247630), count=1 crop (extract_area), extract an area from an image, extract_area input=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0cf000) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0c4e20) left=9 top=9 width=188 height=126 - 286) VipsRegion (0x7f23306c9180), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306c9180, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 512, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 287) VipsImage (0x7f23483dd320), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 1 band, b-w 288) VipsRegion (0x7f233061dd90), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233061dd90, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 896, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 289) VipsRegion (0x7f230461f650), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230461f650, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 896, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 290) VipsRegion (0x7f233826f960), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233826f960, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1152, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 291) VipsLayer (0x7f234b07f200), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=3 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234af09970) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f234931af10) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=188 height=126 nbands=3 serial=45 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234af09330) in1=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ed1c80) in2=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2349973960) - 292) VipsRegion (0x7f23046b1380), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046b1380, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 256, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 293) VipsRegion (0x7f23382a6ad0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23382a6ad0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 768, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 294) VipsLayer (0x7f234b07fa00), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b099c90) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f23484ae470) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=1504 height=1001 nbands=3 serial=53 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b099b00) - 295) VipsRegion (0x7f230c27dd90), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c27dd90, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 256, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 296) VipsImage (0x7f234b0cf640), count=11 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 3 bands, rgb 297) VipsRegion (0x7f23386f66f0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23386f66f0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 640, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 298) VipsRegion (0x7f2330003f10), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330003f10, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1408, top = 896, width = 96, height = 105, 0,115MB 299) VipsImage (0x7f23483c1c80), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 3 bands, rgb 300) VipsLayer (0x7f234b07fe00), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b54d0) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f234886a110) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=1504 height=1001 nbands=1 serial=57 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b5340) - 301) VipsImage (0x7f2348ea11a0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 1 band, b-w 302) VipsRegion (0x7f23304850e0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23304850e0, im = 0x7f234b0cf000, left = 9, top = 25, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0115MB 303) VipsRegion (0x7f23046ebcd0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046ebcd0, im = 0x7f2348ed1c80, left = 0, top = 0, width = 188, height = 30 304) VipsRegion (0x7f23385cc500), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23385cc500, im = 0x7f234b0cf4b0, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 305) VipsRegion (0x7f23385a72c0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23385a72c0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 0, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 306) VipsRegion (0x7f23306c95a0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306c95a0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1152, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 307) VipsRegion (0x7f23386f92e0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23386f92e0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 768, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 308) VipsRegion (0x7f230c2295a0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c2295a0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1408, top = 768, width = 96, height = 128, 0,141MB 309) VipsRegion (0x7f2304002010), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2304002010, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 768, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 310) VipsEmbed (0x7f2348ea35a0), count=1 VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image, embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b5660) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b57f0) x=11 y=11 width=1526 height=1023 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) - 311) VipsRegion (0x7f23306e9030), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306e9030, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 896, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 312) VipsRegion (0x7f2338539800), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2338539800, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1280, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 313) VipsLayer (0x4727620), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822e330) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2348031fc0) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=6014 height=4003 nbands=3 serial=4 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823d660) - 314) VipsJoin (0x435a3e0), count=1 VipsJoin (join), join a pair of images, join in1=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823d340) in2=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823d7f0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823d980) direction=((VipsDirection) VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL) - 315) VipsRegion (0x7f2330540c30), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330540c30, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1408, top = 0, width = 96, height = 128, 0,141MB 316) VipsLayer (0x4727a20), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822e970) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2348067df0) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=6014 height=4003 nbands=1 serial=8 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822e7e0) - 317) SinkThreadState (0x7f23042c5ae0), count=1 SinkThreadState (sinkthreadstate), per-thread state for sink, 318) VipsRegion (0x7f2330485500), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330485500, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1152, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 319) VipsImage (0x7f23483c14b0), count=4 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 3 bands, rgb 320) VipsLayer (0x4727e20), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483dd960) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f23489eb690) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=1504 height=1001 nbands=1 serial=78 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483c14b0) - 321) VipsRegion (0x7f23041d0e60), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23041d0e60, im = 0x7f2349973960, left = 0, top = 0, width = 128, height = 126, 0,185MB 322) VipsRegion (0x7f2304239180), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2304239180, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 768, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 323) VipsRegion (0x7f230c002ba0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c002ba0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 768, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 324) VipsRegion (0x7f23385a82d0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23385a82d0, im = 0x7f2349973af0, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 325) VipsImage (0x7f234822b7d0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x6 float, 2 bands, multiband 326) VipsRegion (0x7f233822d8c0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233822d8c0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 768, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 327) VipsImage (0x7f234b0c4b00) 296 bytes, count=12 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 3 bands, rgb 328) VipsRegion (0x7f233853a010), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233853a010, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1408, top = 128, width = 96, height = 128, 0,141MB 329) VipsRegion (0x7f230c150000), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c150000, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 640, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 330) PhFTileCache (0x7f2348228000), count=1 PhFTileCache (phf_tilecache), cache an image as a set of tiles, phf_tilecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822e970) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822eb00) access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_RANDOM) threaded=TRUE persistent=FALSE - 331) VipsInsert (0x7f2348275860), count=1 VipsInsert (insert), insert image @sub into @main at @x, @y, insert main=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823d1b0) sub=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822bc80) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823d4d0) x=6 y=0 expand=TRUE background=0 - 332) VipsImage (0x7f234af097e0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 3 bands, rgb 333) VipsEmbed (0x428adc0), count=1 VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image, embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483ddc80) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483ddaf0) x=9 y=9 width=1522 height=1019 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) - 334) VipsRegion (0x7f2338539c20), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2338539c20, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 768, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 335) VipsCopy (0x7f230c151000), count=1 VipsCopy (copy), copy an image, copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7caf0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7c960) - 336) VipsRegion (0x7f23043f38d0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23043f38d0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 256, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 337) VipsRegion (0x7f23042c5f00), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23042c5f00, im = 0x7f2348ed1c80, left = 0, top = 18, width = 188, height = 44 338) VipsRegion (0x7f23044623a0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23044623a0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 640, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 339) VipsRegion (0x7f23042395a0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23042395a0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 256, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 340) VipsImage (0x7f234823db10) 24 bytes, count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6026x4015 float, 2 bands, multiband 341) VipsEmbed (0x7f2348ea31e0), count=1 VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image, embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ea1010) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ea1970) x=272 y=272 width=6558 height=4547 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) - 342) VipsRegion (0x7f2330541c50), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330541c50, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1280, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 343) VipsRegion (0x7f23306df8e0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306df8e0, im = 0x7f2348ed1960, left = 0, top = 4, width = 192, height = 44, 0,0322MB 344) crop (0x7f2348225840), count=1 crop (extract_area), extract an area from an image, extract_area input=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823d340) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822b960) left=6013 top=0 width=6 height=4015 - 345) PhFTileCache (0x7f23385ab6e0), count=1 PhFTileCache (phf_tilecache), cache an image as a set of tiles, phf_tilecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b54d0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b5660) access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_RANDOM) threaded=TRUE persistent=FALSE - 346) VipsImage (0x7f234822b000), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 3 bands, rgb 347) crop (0x7f2348225c40), count=1 crop (extract_area), extract an area from an image, extract_area input=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823de30) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822e010) left=6 top=6 width=6014 height=4003 - 348) VipsRegion (0x7f2304603020), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2304603020, im = 0x7f234b0c4c90, left = 0, top = 16, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0344MB 349) VipsRegion (0x7f23046d5240), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046d5240, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 128, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 350) VipsImage (0x7f23499737d0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 3007x2002 float, 3 bands, rgb 351) VipsImage (0x7f234822e7e0), count=2 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 3 bands, rgb 352) VipsImage (0x7f234af09010), count=4 VipsImage (image), image class, 192x130 float, 1 band, b-w 353) VipsImage (0x7f2348ed17d0), count=2 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x676 float, 3 bands, rgb 354) VipsImage (0x7f2348e7c7d0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6020x4009 float, 1 band, b-w 355) VipsRegion (0x7f2338274da0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2338274da0, im = 0x7f234b0c4b00, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 356) VipsImage (0x7f234b0b57f0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1526x1023 float, 1 band, b-w 357) VipsImage (0x41dde10) 24 bytes, count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4009 float, 2 bands, multiband 358) VipsRegion (0x7f230c27aa30), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c27aa30, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 0, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 359) VipsCopy (0x7f23384ce160), count=1 VipsCopy (copy), copy an image, copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2349973640) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2349973e10) bands=3 format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT) coding=((VipsCoding) VIPS_CODING_NONE) interpretation=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_RGB) - 360) VipsRegion (0x7f233824eb70), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233824eb70, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 896, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 361) VipsInsert (0x507b630), count=1 VipsInsert (insert), insert image @sub into @main at @x, @y, insert main=((VipsImage*) 0x41ddc80) sub=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822baf0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822be10) x=0 y=4009 expand=TRUE background=0 - 362) PhFTileCache (0x7f230461f2e0), count=1 PhFTileCache (phf_tilecache), cache an image as a set of tiles, phf_tilecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b5ca0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b5e30) access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_RANDOM) threaded=TRUE persistent=TRUE - 363) VipsImage (0x7f234823d340), count=5 VipsImage (image), image class, 6020x4015 float, 2 bands, multiband 364) VipsRegion (0x7f23046c5710), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046c5710, im = 0x7f234b0cf4b0, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 365) VipsImage (0x7f2348ec2c90), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 1 band, b-w 366) VipsEmbed (0x428aa00), count=1 VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image, embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7c960) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ed1190) x=0 y=4 width=1504 height=1011 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) - 367) VipsCopy (0x7f2338005700), count=1 VipsCopy (copy), copy an image, copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822e010) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822e1a0) bands=3 format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT) coding=((VipsCoding) VIPS_CODING_NONE) interpretation=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_RGB) - 368) VipsRegion (0x7f23046b1010), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046b1010, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 640, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 369) VipsRegion (0x7f2304603440), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2304603440, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 128, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 370) VipsRegion (0x7f23046d5660), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046d5660, im = 0x7f2349973af0, left = 128, top = 0, width = 60, height = 126, 0,0288MB 371) VipsRegion (0x7f23386f6380), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23386f6380, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 384, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 372) VipsRegion (0x7f2330003ba0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330003ba0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 384, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 373) VipsRegion (0x7f23384bda40), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23384bda40, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 896, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 374) VipsImage (0x7f2349973000), count=4 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 3 bands, rgb 375) VipsImage (0x7f234822e010), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 3 bands, rgb 376) VipsRegion (0x7f23046eb960), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046eb960, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1408, top = 512, width = 96, height = 128, 0,141MB 377) VipsRegion (0x7f230c27ae50), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c27ae50, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 128, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 378) VipsRegion (0x7f23306c9230), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306c9230, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 512, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 379) VipsImage (0x7f2348ed1000), count=3 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x676 float, 3 bands, rgb 380) VipsImage (0x7f2348e7c000), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6032x4021 float, 1 band, b-w 381) VipsRegion (0x7f230461f700), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230461f700, im = 0x7f234af09010, left = 2, top = 2, width = 188, height = 28, 0,0201MB 382) VipsImage (0x7f23483dd7d0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1510x1007 float, 1 band, b-w 383) VipsImage (0x41dd640), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 2 bands, multiband 384) VipsImage (0x7f234b0b5020), count=3 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 3 bands, rgb 385) VipsRegion (0x7f233023ccf0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233023ccf0, im = 0x7f234b0cf000, left = 9, top = 57, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0115MB 386) VipsRegion (0x7f2330005ba0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330005ba0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 384, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 387) VipsRegion (0x7f233c0060d0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233c0060d0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 896, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 388) VipsRegion (0x7f230c0706f0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c0706f0, im = 0x7f234b0c4b00, left = 0, top = 0, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0344MB 389) VipsRegion (0x7f233053e4d0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233053e4d0, im = 0x7f234b0c4010, left = 3, top = 26, width = 188, height = 34, 0,0244MB 390) VipsImage (0x7f2348ea1650), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 3 bands, rgb 391) VipsCopy (0x50e0da0), count=1 VipsCopy (copy), copy an image, copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x41dd640) out=((VipsImage*) 0x41cd1b0) bands=2 format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT) coding=((VipsCoding) VIPS_CODING_NONE) interpretation=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_MULTIBAND) - 392) VipsRegion (0x7f2338315650), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2338315650, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 768, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 393) VipsLayer (0x7f2348ea0660), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7c640) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2336d92010) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=6014 height=4003 nbands=3 serial=69 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483c1190) - 394) VipsRegion (0x7f23384bde60), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23384bde60, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 512, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 395) VipsRegion (0x7f2330485190), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330485190, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 384, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 396) VipsRegion (0x7f23305408c0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23305408c0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 384, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 397) VipsLayer (0x7f2348ea0e60), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2349973960) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f234900d820) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=188 height=126 nbands=3 serial=42 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2349973190) - 398) VipsLayer (0x7f2348ea0a60), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234af09650) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2348f8ce50) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=188 height=126 nbands=3 serial=38 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234af094c0) - 399) VipsRegion (0x7f23042a74e0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23042a74e0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 512, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 400) VipsRegion (0x7f23306c9650), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306c9650, im = 0x7f234b0cf000, left = 9, top = 41, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0115MB 401) VipsRegion (0x7f230c002830), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c002830, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1280, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 402) VipsEmbed (0x428a640), count=1 VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image, embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822eb00) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822ec90) x=21 y=21 width=6056 height=4045 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) - 403) VipsRegion (0x7f230c229650), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c229650, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1280, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 404) VipsImage (0x7f23483dd000), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1640x1137 float, 1 band, b-w 405) VipsLayer (0x7f23483d8040), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=3 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483c1c80) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f23489e85b0) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=1504 height=1001 nbands=3 serial=82 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483c1e10) in1=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483dd960) in2=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483c14b0) - 406) VipsLayer (0x7f23483d8440), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0cf640) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2349371670) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=188 height=126 nbands=3 serial=86 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234af09970) - 407) VipsLayer (0x7f234b0b8030), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b5980) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2348873f20) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=1526 height=1023 nbands=1 serial=58 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0b57f0) - 408) VipsLayer (0x7f23483d8840), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ec2970) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f233692d010) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=6014 height=4003 nbands=3 serial=76 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ec2b00) - 409) VipsLayer (0x7f23483d8c40), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0cf000) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f23494e4080) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=206 height=144 nbands=1 serial=89 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0cf190) - 410) VipsRegion (0x7f230468d210), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230468d210, im = 0x7f234b0c4c90, left = 0, top = 32, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0344MB 411) VipsLayer (0x7f234b0b8830), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7caf0) processor=((gpointer) 0x4793ef0) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=1504 height=1001 nbands=3 serial=85 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ea1650) - 412) VipsRegion (0x7f2330540ce0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330540ce0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1408, top = 128, width = 96, height = 128, 0,141MB 413) VipsImage (0x7f234b0cf320), count=4 VipsImage (image), image class, 194x132 float, 1 band, b-w 414) VipsRegion (0x7f23042c5b90), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23042c5b90, im = 0x7f234b0c4010, left = 3, top = 3, width = 188, height = 25, 0,0179MB 415) VipsRegion (0x7f23304855b0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23304855b0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1152, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 416) VipsEmbed (0x7f2348ea3e60), count=1 VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image, embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0c41a0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b0cf190) x=9 y=9 width=206 height=144 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) - 417) VipsRegion (0x7f2304239230), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2304239230, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1024, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 418) VipsFlip (0x7f23482258c0), count=1 VipsFlip (flip), flip an image, flip in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822b960) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823d7f0) direction=((VipsDirection) VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL) - 419) VipsRegion (0x7f23046b3450), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046b3450, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 0, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 420) VipsRegion (0x7f2338688500), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2338688500, im = 0x7f234af09330, left = 0, top = 0, width = 188, height = 28, 0,0201MB 421) crop (0x7f2348225cc0), count=1 crop (extract_area), extract an area from an image, extract_area input=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822ee20) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483c1000) left=21 top=21 width=6014 height=4003 - 422) VipsResize (0x7f23302aa810), count=1 VipsResize (resize), resize an image, resize in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7caf0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ea14c0) scale=0,675757 - 423) VipsRegion (0x7f233822d970), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233822d970, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 640, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 424) VipsImage (0x7f234822bc80), count=5 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4015 float, 2 bands, multiband 425) VipsRegion (0x7f233068c160), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233068c160, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1024, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 426) VipsTileCache (0x7f23482280b0), count=1 VipsTileCache (tilecache), cache an image as a set of tiles, tilecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822b000) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823dca0) tile-width=64 tile-height=64 max-tiles=187 access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_RANDOM) threaded=TRUE persistent=FALSE - 427) VipsRegion (0x7f230c1500b0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c1500b0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1152, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 428) VipsRegion (0x7f233853a0c0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233853a0c0, im = 0x7f234b0cf190, left = 0, top = 16, width = 206, height = 34, 0,0267MB 429) VipsRegion (0x7f2338539cd0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2338539cd0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 896, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 430) VipsImage (0x7f234af09c90), count=5 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 3 bands, rgb 431) VipsRegion (0x7f230c1510b0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c1510b0, im = 0x7f234b0cf000, left = 9, top = 9, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0115MB 432) VipsLayer (0x7f234b07fb00), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b099e20) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f23484b36d0) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=1504 height=1001 nbands=3 serial=54 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234b099c90) - 433) VipsRegion (0x7f230c1cfac0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c1cfac0, im = 0x7f2349973960, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 434) VipsRegion (0x7f230468d630), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230468d630, im = 0x7f2349973af0, left = 0, top = 0, width = 128, height = 126, 0,0615MB 435) VipsRegion (0x7f2338274a30), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2338274a30, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 896, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 436) VipsRegion (0x7f2304239650), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2304239650, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 512, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 437) VipsImage (0x7f23483c1190), count=3 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 3 bands, rgb 438) VipsRegion (0x7f23046c53a0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046c53a0, im = 0x7f2349973af0, left = 128, top = 0, width = 60, height = 126 439) VipsRegion (0x7f23306df990), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306df990, im = 0x7f2349973960, left = 128, top = 0, width = 60, height = 126, 0,0865MB 440) VipsRegion (0x7f233853a4e0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233853a4e0, im = 0x7f234b0cf640, left = 0, top = 20, width = 188, height = 40, 0,0861MB 441) VipsRegion (0x7f230c1504d0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c1504d0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1408, top = 0, width = 96, height = 128, 0,141MB 442) VipsImage (0x7f234822b4b0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 3 bands, rgb 443) VipsRegion (0x7f2304316800), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2304316800, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 768, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 444) VipsRegion (0x7f23046d52f0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046d52f0, im = 0x7f234af09010, left = 2, top = 6, width = 188, height = 40, 0,0287MB 445) VipsRegion (0x7f23386f6010), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23386f6010, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 512, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 446) VipsRegion (0x7f2330003830), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330003830, im = 0x7f234b0c41a0, left = 0, top = 0, width = 188, height = 25 447) VipsRegion (0x7f230c1514d0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c1514d0, im = 0x7f2348ed1c80, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 448) VipsImage (0x7f2349973c80), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 3 bands, rgb 449) VipsImage (0x7f234822ec90), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6056x4045 float, 1 band, b-w 450) PhFTileCache (0x7f230c1cfee0), count=1 PhFTileCache (phf_tilecache), cache an image as a set of tiles, phf_tilecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ea11a0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ea1010) access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_RANDOM) threaded=TRUE persistent=TRUE - 451) VipsImage (0x7f234af094c0), count=4 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 3 bands, rgb 452) VipsInsert (0x7f2348275940), count=1 VipsInsert (insert), insert image @sub into @main at @x, @y, insert main=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823d340) sub=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823d7f0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823db10) x=6020 y=0 expand=TRUE background=0 - 453) VipsLayer (0x4727320), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823de30) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2348239c30) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_FATSTRIP) width=6026 height=4015 nbands=3 serial=1 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234823d020) - 454) VipsImage (0x7f2348ed1c80), count=8 VipsImage (image), image class, 188x126 float, 1 band, b-w 455) VipsImage (0x7f2348e7cc80), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6082x4071 float, 1 band, b-w 456) VipsImage (0x7f234b0b5ca0), count=97 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 3 bands, rgb 457) VipsLayer (0x4727720), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822e4c0) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f23480372a0) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=6014 height=4003 nbands=3 serial=5 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822e330) - 458) VipsRegion (0x7f23384ce210), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23384ce210, im = 0x7f234af09c90, left = 0, top = 48, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0344MB 459) VipsLayer (0x4727b20), count=1 VipsLayer (layer), Photoflow layer, layer ninput=1 out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822ee20) processor=((gpointer) 0x7f2348071c00) intensity-map=NULL opacity-map=NULL demand-hint=((VipsDemandStyle) VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_ANY) width=6056 height=4045 nbands=1 serial=9 in0=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822ec90) - 460) VipsImage (0x7f234823d7f0), count=4 VipsImage (image), image class, 6x4015 float, 2 bands, multiband 461) PhFTileCache (0x7f23303f58d0), count=1 PhFTileCache (phf_tilecache), cache an image as a set of tiles, phf_tilecache in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483dd4b0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f23483dd320) access=((VipsAccess) VIPS_ACCESS_RANDOM) threaded=TRUE persistent=TRUE - 462) VipsRegion (0x7f230c070380), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c070380, im = 0x7f234b0c4b00, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 463) VipsRegion (0x7f230c27dad0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c27dad0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1408, top = 256, width = 96, height = 128, 0,141MB 464) VipsRegion (0x7f23046d5710), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046d5710, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 768, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 465) VipsRegion (0x7f23386f6430), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23386f6430, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 512, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 466) VipsRegion (0x7f23046034f0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046034f0, im = 0x7f234af09010, left = 2, top = 22, width = 188, height = 40, 0,0287MB 467) VipsImage (0x7f234b0c4010), count=4 VipsImage (image), image class, 194x132 float, 1 band, b-w 468) VipsRegion (0x7f23384bdaf0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23384bdaf0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 768, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 469) VipsRegion (0x7f23046eba10), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046eba10, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 512, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 470) VipsImage (0x7f23499734b0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 376x251 float, 3 bands, rgb 471) VipsImage (0x7f234822e4c0), count=3 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 3 bands, rgb 472) VipsRegion (0x7f230c27af00), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c27af00, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 256, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 473) VipsRegion (0x7f23306c92e0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306c92e0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 640, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 474) VipsRegion (0x7f23385cc240), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23385cc240, im = 0x7f234b0cf190, left = 0, top = 32, width = 206, height = 34, 0,0267MB 475) VipsRegion (0x7f233061def0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233061def0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1024, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 476) VipsRegion (0x7f233023cda0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233023cda0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 896, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 477) VipsImage (0x7f2348ed14b0), count=2 VipsImage (image), image class, 1016x676 float, 3 bands, rgb 478) VipsImage (0x7f234b0b54d0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 1 band, b-w 479) VipsImage (0x7f23483ddc80), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 1 band, b-w 480) VipsImage (0x7f2348e7c4b0), count=2 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 1 band, b-w 481) VipsImage (0x7f234b099e20), count=97 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 3 bands, rgb 482) VipsEmbed (0x7f2348ea36e0), count=1 VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image, embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ed1c80) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348ed1960) x=2 y=2 width=192 height=130 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) - 483) VipsRegion (0x7f23046b14e0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046b14e0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 256, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 484) VipsImage (0x7f234823d020), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6026x4015 float, 2 bands, multiband 485) VipsRegion (0x7f233053e580), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233053e580, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1024, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 486) VipsRegion (0x7f230c27def0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c27def0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 128, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 487) VipsImage (0x7f2348ec2970), count=2 VipsImage (image), image class, 6014x4003 float, 3 bands, rgb 488) crop (0x7f2348225940), count=1 crop (extract_area), extract an area from an image, extract_area input=((VipsImage*) 0x41cd1b0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822b7d0) left=0 top=3996 width=6014 height=6 - 489) VipsRegion (0x50e0e50), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x50e0e50, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1024, top = 512, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 490) VipsRegion (0x7f230c3a98e0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c3a98e0, im = 0x7f234b0c4e20, left = 0, top = 48, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0115MB 491) VipsRegion (0x7f23384bdf10), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23384bdf10, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 640, top = 128, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 492) VipsRegion (0x7f2330540970), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330540970, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 512, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 493) VipsRegion (0x7f23042c5820), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23042c5820, im = 0x7f234b0c4c90, left = 0, top = 0, width = 188, height = 16, 0,0344MB 494) SinkThreadState (0x7f23046ebe30), count=1 SinkThreadState (sinkthreadstate), per-thread state for sink, 495) VipsRegion (0x7f23385a7420), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23385a7420, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 0, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 496) VipsRegion (0x7f23306c9700), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306c9700, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 768, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 497) VipsRegion (0x7f23046b30e0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046b30e0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1024, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 498) VipsRegion (0x7f233845f390), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233845f390, im = 0x7f2349973190, left = 0, top = 0, width = 128, height = 126, 0,185MB 499) VipsRegion (0x7f233c0065a0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233c0065a0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1024, top = 640, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 500) VipsRegion (0x7f2304002170), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2304002170, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 512, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 501) VipsRegion (0x7f23306e9190), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23306e9190, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 640, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 502) VipsImage (0x7f23483dd4b0), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 1 band, b-w 503) VipsRegion (0x7f2338539960), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2338539960, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 768, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 504) VipsRegion (0x7f230c3a9d00), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c3a9d00, im = 0x7f234b0cf4b0, left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0 505) VipsRegion (0x7f2330540d90), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2330540d90, im = 0x7f234b0cf190, left = 0, top = 0, width = 206, height = 34, 0,0267MB 506) VipsImage (0x7f2348ea1330), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 6082x4071 float, 1 band, b-w 507) VipsRegion (0x7f23042392e0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23042392e0, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 384, top = 256, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 508) SinkThreadState (0x7f23046b3500), count=1 SinkThreadState (sinkthreadstate), per-thread state for sink, 509) VipsRegion (0x7f230c002d00), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c002d00, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 896, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 510) VipsImage (0x7f23483c1e10), count=1 VipsImage (image), image class, 1504x1001 float, 1 band, b-w 511) VipsEmbed (0x7f2348ea3320), count=1 VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image, embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7ce10) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7cc80) x=34 y=34 width=6082 height=4071 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) - 512) VipsRegion (0x7f23046c5030), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f23046c5030, im = 0x7f234af09970, left = 0, top = 0, width = 188, height = 28, 0,0602MB 513) VipsRegion (0x7f233822da20), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233822da20, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 1024, top = 768, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 514) VipsRegion (0x7f233853a170), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233853a170, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1408, top = 256, width = 96, height = 128, 0,141MB 515) VipsRegion (0x7f233068c210), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f233068c210, im = 0x7f234b099e20, left = 768, top = 384, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 516) VipsRegion (0x7f230c150160), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230c150160, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1152, top = 0, width = 128, height = 128, 0,188MB 517) VipsCopy (0x7f2348228160), count=1 VipsCopy (copy), copy an image, copy in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822b320) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822b4b0) bands=3 format=((VipsBandFormat) VIPS_FORMAT_FLOAT) coding=((VipsCoding) VIPS_CODING_NONE) interpretation=((VipsInterpretation) VIPS_INTERPRETATION_RGB) - 518) VipsJoin (0x4369ca0), count=1 VipsJoin (join), join a pair of images, join in1=((VipsImage*) 0x41ddc80) in2=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822baf0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f234822bc80) direction=((VipsDirection) VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL) - 519) VipsEmbed (0x7f234b0c7050), count=1 VipsEmbed (embed), embed an image in a larger image, embed in=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7c4b0) out=((VipsImage*) 0x7f2348e7c7d0) x=3 y=3 width=6020 height=4009 extend=((VipsExtend) VIPS_EXTEND_COPY) - 520) VipsRegion (0x7f2338539d80), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f2338539d80, im = 0x7f234b0c4010, left = 3, top = 10, width = 188, height = 34, 0,0244MB 521) VipsRegion (0x7f230468d6e0), count=1 VipsRegion (object), base class, VipsRegion: 0x7f230468d6e0, im = 0x7f234b0b5ca0, left = 1024, top = 896, width = 128, height = 105, 0,154MB 58 VipsArea alive 0x7f2348e7dd00 count = 2, bytes = 16 0x7f234b0c8060 count = 1, bytes = 16 0x7f2348eadfb0 count = 1, bytes = 8 0x7f234b0cdc80 count = 1, bytes = 8 0x7f2348e8af60 count = 8, bytes = 16 0x7f234b0c21d0 count = 1, bytes = 8 0x7f2348e8eec0 count = 1, bytes = 8 0x7f2348ee7db0 count = 10, bytes = 1080 0x7f2348ea6300 count = 10, bytes = 8 0x7f2348ec9950 count = 12, bytes = 16 0x7f23483e4670 count = 2, bytes = 16 0x7f23483e2000 count = 1, bytes = 8 0x7f23483dcd20 count = 1, bytes = 8 0x7f234b0c2930 count = 1, bytes = 8 0x7f23483eeee0 count = 12, bytes = 16 0x7f2348ec5e70 count = 1, bytes = 16 0x7f2348e80700 count = 1, bytes = 16 0x7f2348e79e50 count = 1, bytes = 8 0x7f2349317470 count = 1, bytes = 8 0x7f23485181a0 count = 1, bytes = 8 0x7f2348516380 count = 1, bytes = 8 0x7f2349316e10 count = 15, bytes = 16 0x7f234b0c0c60 count = 2, bytes = 16 0x7f2348e98a20 count = 1, bytes = 8 0x7f2348e95f60 count = 6, bytes = 16 0x7f234b0ba790 count = 3, bytes = 16 0x7f234b0b3710 count = 27, bytes = 1068 0x7f234b0b3c50 count = 27, bytes = 8 0x7f234b0b46c0 count = 1, bytes = 968 0x7f234b0b4640 count = 1, bytes = 8 0x7f23044877a0 count = 3, bytes = 16 0x7f234b079e80 count = 1, bytes = 16 0x7f234b080a40 count = 1, bytes = 8 0x7f234b077b50 count = 6, bytes = 16 0x7f234996f040 count = 2, bytes = 16 0x7f234996efc0 count = 20, bytes = 1068 0x7f234996f0a0 count = 20, bytes = 8 0x7f2349977db0 count = 1, bytes = 968 0x7f234aab7fd0 count = 1, bytes = 8 0x7f234b021be0 count = 3, bytes = 16 0x7f2348e796b0 count = 1, bytes = 16 0x7f23483c6d00 count = 1, bytes = 16 0x7f23483bcbc0 count = 1, bytes = 8 0x7f23483af130 count = 6, bytes = 16 0x7f234828e340 count = 2, bytes = 16 0x7f234828de50 count = 26, bytes = 1068 0x7f234828e3a0 count = 26, bytes = 8 0x7f2348287f80 count = 1, bytes = 968 0x7f2348287b00 count = 1, bytes = 8 0x7f2348230be0 count = 5, bytes = 16 0x7f2348245300 count = 2, bytes = 8 0x7f234823c6a0 count = 2, bytes = 8 0x7f23482412e0 count = 2, bytes = 8 0x7f2348243570 count = 2, bytes = 8 0x7f234822a840 count = 120, bytes = 1184 0x7f2348252020 count = 120, bytes = 748 0x7f234822aa10 count = 120, bytes = 8 0x7f23482756a0 count = 120, bytes = 786420 memory: 371 allocations, 255734336 bytes files: 0 open memory: high-water mark 300,58 MB threads: 6 not joined /tmp/.mount_PhotoFQAPTyP/AppRun: line 46: 26356 Segmentation fault (core dumped) "$APPDIR/usr/bin/photoflow.wrapper" "$@"