14,461264 [dev] took 0,000 secs (0,000 CPU) to load the image. 14,705592 [export] creating pixelpipe took 0,211 secs (0,203 CPU) 14,705592 [pixelpipe_process] [export] using device 0 14,736864 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,031 secs (0,062 CPU) initing base buffer [export] 14,814964 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,078 secs (0,000 CPU) processed `raw black/white point' on GPU, blended on GPU [export] 14,846271 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,031 secs (0,000 CPU) processed `white balance' on GPU, blended on GPU [export] 14,877492 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,031 secs (0,000 CPU) processed `highlight reconstruction' on GPU, blended on GPU [export] 16,127368 [dev_pixelpipe] took 1,250 secs (4,000 CPU) processed `demosaic' on CPU, blended on CPU [export] 18,261770 [dev_pixelpipe] took 2,134 secs (2,109 CPU) processed `lens correction' on GPU, blended on GPU [export] 18,371169 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,109 secs (0,000 CPU) processed `exposure' on GPU, blended on GPU [export] 39,631271 [dev_pixelpipe] took 21,260 secs (74,266 CPU) processed `tone equalizer' on CPU, blended on CPU [export] 40,193729 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,562 secs (0,156 CPU) processed `input color profile' on GPU, blended on GPU [export] 58,275698 [dev_pixelpipe] took 18,082 secs (2,172 CPU) processed `denoise (non-local means)' on GPU, blended on GPU [export] 58,666324 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] use tiling on module 'atrous' for image with full size 6035 x 4019 58,666324 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] (2 x 1) tiles with max dimensions 5476 x 4019 and overlap 512 58,666324 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] tile (0, 0) with 5476 x 4019 at origin [0, 0] 60,572380 [opencl_atrous] couldn't enqueue kernel! -4 60,603627 [default_process_tiling_opencl_ptp] couldn't run process_cl() for module 'atrous' in tiling mode: 0 60,603627 [opencl_pixelpipe] could not run module 'atrous' on gpu. falling back to cpu path 97,638092 [dev_pixelpipe] took 39,362 secs (138,781 CPU) processed `contrast equalizer' on CPU with tiling, blended on CPU [export] 99,075493 [dev_pixelpipe] took 1,437 secs (0,203 CPU) processed `local contrast' on GPU, blended on GPU [export] 99,231731 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,141 secs (0,000 CPU) processed `output color profile' on GPU, blended on GPU [export] 99,919178 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,687 secs (1,609 CPU) processed `display encoding' on CPU, blended on CPU [export] 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] profiling device 0 ('GeForce GTX 850M'): 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 1,3082 seconds in [Write Image (from host to device)] 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0056 seconds in rawprepare_1f 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0072 seconds in whitebalance_1f 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0118 seconds in highlights_1f_lch_bayer 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 1,0574 seconds in [Read Image (from device to host)] 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,7727 seconds in [Write Buffer (from host to device)] 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0458 seconds in lens_vignette 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,2009 seconds in lens_distort_lanczos3 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0305 seconds in exposure 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0306 seconds in colorin_unbound 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0143 seconds in nlmeans_init 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 2,9351 seconds in nlmeans_dist 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 1,1833 seconds in nlmeans_horiz 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 3,6962 seconds in nlmeans_vert 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 8,4338 seconds in nlmeans_accu 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0467 seconds in nlmeans_finish 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0265 seconds in [Copy Image (on device)] 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,7621 seconds in eaw_decompose 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0228 seconds in pad_input 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,1661 seconds in gauss_reduce 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0994 seconds in process_curve 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,1218 seconds in laplacian_assemble 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0354 seconds in write_back 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0406 seconds in colorout 99,919178 [opencl_profiling] spent 21,0549 seconds totally in command queue (with 1 event missing) 99,919178 [dev_process_export] pixel pipeline processing took 85,214 secs (223,359 CPU)