Fuji XE4 raw files cannot be processed

Greetings. I installed Darktable 4.8.0. It loads the raw file and displays the previews but when I switch to the darkroom module it tells me that it doesn’t have the color profile of the XE4. Yet the camera is supported. I can’t understand. Can anyone help me?

Please read the release notes and the camera support page more carefully: lossy compression mode is not supported for Fujifilm cameras, only uncompressed or lossless compressed.

So it seems in future you may be best to change the file settings on your camera so it is supported by DT if you wish to continue using DT. However, I suspect a solution for your current images would be to convert the images to DNG using Adobes DNG converter which is free. Then unsupported cameras can be processed in DT or any other imaging program.


Thanks a lot Terry :pray:

Thanks :slight_smile: