gmic_stdlib_community.h is empty since commit ac55f66fafbe on develop branch

Since Prepare work for next version 3.4.1. (Commit ac55f66fafbe), builds after make clean fetch a gmic_stdlib_community.h file appropriate for 3.4.1, but these are coming down the wire as empty header files, so the build fails:

gosgood@bertha ~/git_repositories/gmic/src $ make cli
make "CFLAGS+=-Dgmic_community -Dcimg_date=\\\"\\\" -Dcimg_time=\\\"\\\" -Dcimg_use_zlib -I.  -Dgmic_prerelease="\\\"24062313\\\""  -std=c++11 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Wfatal-errors -Werror=unknown-pragmas -Werror=unused-label -Wshadow -Dcimg_use_vt100 -Dcimg_use_abort -Dgmic_is_parallel -Dcimg_use_fftw3  -Dcimg_use_curl  -Dcimg_use_png -I/usr/include/libpng16 -Dcimg_use_jpeg  -Dcimg_use_tiff  -fopenmp -Dcimg_use_openmp -Dcimg_display=1   -Dcimg_use_openexr -I/usr/include/OpenEXR -I/usr/include/Imath -O3 -mtune=generic " "LIBS+=gmic.o -lz  -L. -L/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath,. -lpthread -lfftw3 -lfftw3_threads -lcurl -lpng16 -ljpeg -ltiff -lgomp -lX11 -lpthread  -lOpenEXR-3_1 -lOpenEXRUtil-3_1 -lOpenEXRCore-3_1 -lIex-3_1 -lIlmThread-3_1 -lImath-3_1 " gmic.o _cli
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/gosgood/git_repositories/gmic/src'
> Retrieve G'MIC Standard Library + Community Contributions... # This is nearly instantaneous (being an empty file)
> Retrieve CImg Library...
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++ -o gmic.o -c gmic.cpp -Dgmic_core -Dgmic_community -Dcimg_date=\"\" -Dcimg_time=\"\" -Dcimg_use_zlib -I.  -Dgmic_prerelease=\"24062313\"  -std=c++11 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Wfatal-errors -Werror=unknown-pragmas -Werror=unused-label -Wshadow -Dcimg_use_vt100 -Dcimg_use_abort -Dgmic_is_parallel -Dcimg_use_fftw3  -Dcimg_use_curl  -Dcimg_use_png -I/usr/include/libpng16 -Dcimg_use_jpeg  -Dcimg_use_tiff  -fopenmp -Dcimg_use_openmp -Dcimg_display=1   -Dcimg_use_openexr -I/usr/include/OpenEXR -I/usr/include/Imath -O3 -mtune=generic 
gmic.cpp: In static member function ‘static const gmic_library::gmic_image<char>& gmic::decompress_stdlib()’:
gmic.cpp:2741:59: error: ‘data_gmic’ was not declared in this scope
 2741 |       CImgList<char>::get_unserialize(CImg<unsigned char>(data_gmic,1,size_data_gmic,1,1,true))[0].
      |                                                           ^~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated due to -Wfatal-errors.

There is nothing wrong with the commit itself; it’s a version bump. What appears to be awry is the 3.4.1-specific gmic_stdlib_community.h file, which is coming down the wire empty. Checking out commits on or before a750e469daf2 build without issue after make clean, and full-size gmic_stdlib_community.h files for 3.4.0 come down the wire, without issue.

Git Bisect log:

bisect from a750e469daf2 last known good
to                  c6e04fd66568 first known bad

 size          file                    commit                                   status   commit date
        0     gmic_stdlib_community.h 67f2d4a44f4850bc1222c57ff1c4c4091f980e65 bad      Wed Jun 19 13:20:42 2024 +0200
        0     gmic_stdlib_community.h ac55f66fafbe0aab0ff89ffc51f4287e05949978 bad      Tue Jun 18 07:38:36 2024 +0200
  8081609     gmic_stdlib_community.h 4976c4197f439bfb420d50fe5c6b8a45e5bef9a9 good     Mon Jun 17 10:25:45 2024 +0200
  8081609     gmic_stdlib_community.h 27417eb6b7eaa04ffc2eaaf6bf9e10b9811ed1f9 good     Mon Jun 17 10:00:15 2024 +0200
  8081609     gmic_stdlib_community.h a750e469daf29efa18d0f0e22b026a3ede5b7670 good     Sun Jun 16 10:45:24 2024 +0200

Seems that I break things on Sunday a lot. Maybe I should walk Vinnie more (he’s fine with that).

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Thanks. I think that’s because this file has never been generated, as 3.4.1 is not really started :slight_smile:
I’ve generated it just now, so the issue should be fixed.

1 Like

Looks good…

-rw-r--r-- 1 gosgood gosgood 8051442 Jun 23 16:07 gmic_stdlib_community.h

builds fine. Thanks!