Is it typical for DK to use so many resources?

Is it typical for DK to use so many resources?

I’m looking for a DAM instead of using DT. The RAW file (image) which opens in DK was richer.

L. to R. - XnView MP / DK 8.3 / DT 4.8

All 3 DAMs use minimal CPU for their task.

However, DK increases the System task dramatically.

Thanks and God bless,
Genesius :pray: :camera_flash:

Could it be that Darktable is creating thumbnails in background?

It’s something new(or more or less new).

Try to disable it temporarily to validate my guess. It should be on preferences, I can’t give you more details from my phone, sorry .


Did you mean DigiKam and not DarkTable? In my post I said DK is being a CPU hog with the System task.
Thanks and God bless. :pray: :camera_flash:

As noted in comment 2 sometimes thumbs are being generated… to test equivalence you might want to use a separate folder with a certain number of images and let each software generate the thumbs…if you change the number of thumb the software might have to create those if it doesn’t have them to display so things could go on initially that will taper over time.

As for the image display you would need to walk through DK and xnview and make sure that you have set up equivalent preview conditions… most software allows the jpg preview, a half or full size raw preview which wont be developed in a viewer and finally you need to do the same for all the color management settings and make sure all software is using the same display profile… having done this then revisit what you see… some software also handles rendering differently if BPC is used… if active the render will look a bit lighter and washed out in the shadows a bit like a perceptual render and if not the blacks will be more crushed… giving that strong contrast that some initially like…so there are nuances to cover when making comparisions to be sure that its apples to apples as best as it can be…

Smething else:
in the first two screenshots, you show PID’s being high. Those have nothing to do with resource utilisation: “PID” stands for “Process ID”, it’s a numeric handle for the process, more or less assigned in order of process start.
“System” is started very soon after boot (and it is a system process), so will always have a very low PID.

As for DK increasing System’s resource utilisation: file operations are handled by the OS, not by the individual program, that only reads or writes memory buffers. And a lot of what digikam does implies file operations (e.g. reading embedded jpegs, dealing with the database, …).
I notice you don’t show darktable’s resource use under similar conditions. It can also grab quite a lot of resources.

(And, you have other programs active, like Chrome, which can also use system calls)

Thank you for your comments.

I know what a PID is. LOL

The CPU is to the left of the PID. The reason for the different views used is take a screenshot of the System task with the task for the app in question in a single screen shot. In the screenshot for DK and XN, the CPU does not include the decimal portion of the percents figures.

Chrome is open for ALL 3 apps. See above for why the screen shots are different.

If you, and others, will accept a split screenshot for all 3 app (System task in one and app tasks in another) I will repost with those new screenshots (6 in total).

Thanks and God bless. :pray: :camera_flash:

Thanks for continuing our FB convo here.
I’ll setup a separate folder with 5 images and rerun the tests. As I mentioned in my response to rvietor, I will reshoot the images as separate for each of the apps showing the system and app-specific tasks.
BPC? Is that Black Point Compensation? I’ll have to read up on it. Again, I’m a newbie.

Is 5 minutes after I start each program before taking the screenshots?

As each program is different and developed by a different set developers, how do I compare apples to apples with the setups for rendering jpeg preview images from the RAW files? Or, would a better test be to load the JPEGs (I shoot in both) and make sure each app is using my camera’s profile(?) when previewing the images?

Thanks and God bless. :pray: :camera_flash:

Without massive amounts of details that might just be confusing…for example in xnview… this setting is key

I have it set to my calibrated profile and I have this set in my OS which is WIndows and any color managed program I use. I have heard instances with some software that set it to use the system profile of the OS but for some reason they don’t color manage unless you specify it… that is a side thing… Then you could have other settings

Here several things could impact what you see when you first open the image in xnview… so you need to be sure that at least for comparisons you are viewing the same preview source ie raw or embedded jpg and what quality of raw and then any other settings that might be applied…

drop box out of the way…

And so likely to compare you want to apply as little to the image as possible to know the real base look of the image… so to summarize you have the color management to be sure of and then the in program settings…

Now you have to go through this with every program that you are using to make sure as best you can that you are comparing the same thing… It might be as simple as one tick box in a viewer or software that makes the difference…

Ouch sorry! I don’t know what I was thinking :sweat_smile: