Is there a scripting language manual or tutorial?

I processed my first image-set with Siril.
I run into problems because at present I only have lights and bias frames. This approach has been recommend by Cuiv for my ZWO-ASI533MC camera and other cooled cameras. He says darks aren’t needed, but bias frames are. I don’t know if he’s right, but I want to try it. I don’t have flats either. I know I should, but weather conditions do not at present allow such image-gathering and I am working off images captured a week ago. So I don’t want flats either.

I wrote a custom script to do this, based off OSC-preprocess. I find I don’t really understand the scripting language and I was just trying this and that with little success, until, finally, I got it right. Is there documentation, along the lines of something like javadoc, that explains the Siril script language? I will attach my script and the results, viewing NGC 6883.


OSC_Preprocessing_bias_light.ssf (1.6 KB)


I would recommend reading this: Scripts — Siril 1.2.0 documentation along with the commands ref located there: Commands — Siril 1.2.0 documentation

