LocalLab newbe question

Hi all,
was looking into the “dead wasp” Play Raw post of @andabata (https://discuss.pixls.us/t/playraw-something-different-the-dead-wasp/5086))
Found this zip file RawTherapee_newlocallab_5.2-332-ga1870e2e_WinVista_64.zip
here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2q9OrgyDEfPS2FpdDAtMVI1RG8
Thx @gaaned92.

But I am having difficulties finding a “how to use the locallab feature” page.
What does it do and how do I use it ? It puts a highlight on a part of the image ?

The thing is that the rawpedia page only exist in french for now…


It can do plenty of stuff…

It’s a work in progress made by @jdc.
I just provide builds and I am sorry not to be able to provide help.

In my experience with the locallab tool, I’ve been doing something like this to use it:

  1. Enable the tool.
  2. Press the locallab spot tool icon to visualize the spot.
  3. Move the spot to where you want it.
  4. Adjust spot area limit bars.
  5. Enable and adjust the image processing tools.
  6. Rinse & repeat.

HI @keno40, thank you for the link. I’ll read it and i hope my French is good enough to understand what is written.

The page is being translated to english right now…

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First, my let me express my deep appreciation and thanks to the (unidentified) author of this translation as well as to the coders of the LocalLab version of RT. Undoubtedly a great deal of time and effort have been expended on this project.

Here comes the “BUT”: For average Joe user who is simply trying to use these tools to edit an image, the “translation” would be equally useful in Mandarin Chinese. Can I plead for a simple and straightforward explication of the LocalLab functionality for those of us who are not programmers.


I’m thinking about writing a synthesis of the rawpedia, which could, maybe be the first part of the rawpedia page.

I thought it would be better to start just making a “raw” (no pun intended) translation of Jacques documentation, to have the full information online, which is what I did. I think it’s always a good idea to respect the author’s ideas, and to have an idea of the thought process behind the tool.

On this basis, we can make a something more similar to a how-to, with more examples and screenshots. But English is not my mother tongue, and maybe such a basic user-oriented documentation would better written by a native speaker.

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I’d be happy to read or edit such a page, but I haven’t used the feature yet so I don’t think I can write it.