Siril/StarNet Integration Trouble

I feel like I’m missing some microscopic detail here, but I’ve searched the discussion archives pretty thoroughly and haven’t found a solution yet.

I am trying to get Siril and StarNet2 to play together on my MacBook Pro under Catalina, and nothing I can do will get it to go. I am able to run the StarNet shell script successfully in Terminal, and I can direct Siril to see the StarNet++ executable in the Siril prefs and make that link stick, but when I go to “Star Processing” in the Image Processing tab in Siril, the StarNet choice is greyed out.

I’m running a freshly-downloaded install of Siril 1.2.1 and a freshly-downloaded install of the StarNet 2.0.0 Command Line tool for MacOS. The laptop has a fresh clean install of Catalina (MacOS 10.15.7), and I’ve apparently done all the Terminal and OS Security gymnastics to get the MacOS to see and run StarNet.

Where do I go next?

Does StarNet run alone on your computer?

In the command line, yes.

Problem solved, although I’m not at all sure how or why…

I deleted the StarNet CLI folder & files, downloaded a second clean install archive of the CLI/Mac version, and ran all the appropriate tweaks in Terminal to “bless” the files so that the Mac’s security noids would allow them to run…

Et Voila! Now StarNet works just fine, both running independently in the Terminal command line interface and also working within my Siril installation. I have absolutely no idea why it didn’t work the first time, but unless and until it stops working, I’m not going to worry about it any more.

Hey Dave. I just came across your thread and I am having the identical problem you were. I’ve been trying forever to install Starnet2 on my Mac. Siril runs fine. My Mac is old and won’t run anything newer than High Sierra 10.13.6. I was assuming that was the problem, but it sounded like you’ve figured things out. Any chance you could itemize the steps you took to get there? That’s probably asking a lot, but I’d appreciate whatever advice you might have.


Same question I already asked.
Does starnetCLI works as a standalone application?
If not, no way it works with Siril.

Actually, it doesn’t. I don’t know if it’s a compatibilty issue (old MacOS) or if it’s because I don’t know what I’m doing in the Terminal universe. This is what I get when I run Starnet++:

Last login: Sun Jun 30 15:37:17 on ttys000
/Applications/StarNetv2CLI_MacOS/starnet++ ; exit;
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libtensorflow.2.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/StarNetv2CLI_MacOS/starnet++
Reason: image not found
zsh: abort /Applications/StarNetv2CLI_MacOS/starnet++

It looks like there’s a problem with the Tensorflow library. I don’t know whether that is installed or not. Also, the “Reason: Image not found” line made me notice that the file referenced an rgbtest_5.tif, where the download I received had an rgb_test.tif file instead (no 5). I changed the file name in the .sh file to match, but it made no difference.

So, am I screwed or do you have any thoughts? Thanks for chiming in, by the way.
