5.8-1 crashes when I attempt to save

Thank you!
it all takes less time for me. though not fast. what should I do? say goodbye to the raw format?
only in order for RT to work, I had to install another OS. I started learning RT, I began to succeed, I fell in love with my hobby. and now I can’t do it. oh.
jpeg is bad for my results, I’ve already seen that.

Thank you!
I understand it all. I’ll read about Edit.

Friends, can increasing RAM help me? or is it better to prepare for the purchase of a new computer?

difficult to answer… it could help, but it would be a test without guarantee

  • Sometimes the motherboard doesnt support more memory
  • Sometimes the motherboard doesnt have enough slots for more memory.
  • Sometimes the slots on the motherboard dont support RAM-modules with higher capacity
  • Sometimes its difficult to find such old modules working together with the existing ones

Me personally, I would go for newer hardware


I’m not sure if and if so how you can streamline the processes on your current machine. It seems that @marter gave you some pointers. If those work this might give you some time to think about what you can and will be able to spend on hardware.

It’s easy for me to say “Get a new powerful machine”, but I’m not in any way aware of what you can or cannot afford, only you can determine that.

I you do want to spend some money I think you should, if at all possible, look at an overall better machine. Editing images is rather memory hungry and a powerful CPU is often needed. Just adding some memory will probably only be a short time solution.

I just noticed that @marter also replied and seems to be on the same line as I am about this. In the end it is you who needs to spend the money (or not)…

BTW: RawTherapee leans heavy on CPU and memory. A graphics card is also needed, of course, but, unlike darktable for instance, this doesn’t have to be the best one out there because RawTherapee does not use opencl.


@marter @Jade_NL
You’re both right. I will be planning a new hardware, but it won’t be soon. Thank you for your help and support!

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And now
I have enabled using a swap file, min 4000 MB, max 8000 MB. I took the same raw and profile and the file is saved! RT 5.8 version is working! I tried the same profile in another picture, it was processed a little faster. maybe: there are more small elements in the 5983 file and my bug appeared with a lack of RAM🤔
I am grateful to everyone again, because that’s the only way I came to a working option for me.