a gamma shift one after a saving2jpg [SOLVED]

My mistake. I can’t set default color profile in app settings. Color management> monitor>default color profile. I didn’t indicate my monitor profile there. Now I installed it and everything is back to normal.

It turns out there is still a strong bias.
The monitor profile is loaded.
I save pictures in srgb.
I don’t understand anything, what’s the matter

What are you using to view the export? Is it color managed?

Yes. The problem with displaying images is only in the Internet browser - Google Chrome.
This is definitely not a problem with websites - we open the image locally through Google Chrome and see that the image is darker.
To be on the safe side, you can export the image not even from RT, but from Photoshop. Organize save for web - anyway, the gamma on the images on websites is turned up. And here I can conjure up something with CMS in Google Chrome, but the viewers won’t do it.

It may not make any difference but I would assume RT4_srgb which I think is the default in RT is an ICC v4 profile and the name as it would be tagged in the image might not be recognized on some occasions by certain software. Would it change if you used the basic standard srgb profile or the v2 version when you exported??

No. Nothing changes.
Here the problem, it turns out, does not concern the rawtherapee program at all.
I already tried to export an image from Photoshop (save for web/srgb) - the same story. This is a Google Chrome problem. Old problem.
By the way, the Firefox browser has the same problem as Google Chrome.

Good to know…I feel sort of the same here if I post a picture for the forum then try to look at the previews left here its usually darker and not a good match for what I exported… I should play a bit more but it might just be the color management is still not 100%…

It’s a strange thing here, in general.
Photos look the same on iPhone as they do on Google Chrome. But in applications that support cms - Photoshop, rt, xnview - the photos are lighter. I do not understand anything.

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