a little bit controversial ๐Ÿ˜…

ND7_7215.NEF (24.8 MB)

ND7_7215.NEF.xmp (9.0 KB)

have funโ€ฆ :slight_smile:

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Interesting: a crucifix without the cross.

Is there another sign behind the warning sign? Or is that a part of the stand?

Mouahaha, nice one ! :laughing:

ND7_7215.NEF.xmp (37,4 Ko)


Your new blur module??? :slight_smile:

No, diffusion in blooming mode.

Very good image :wink:

ND7_7215_01.NEF.xmp (13.2 KB)
with Darktable 3.7 [master]

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I smell the diffuse module hereโ€ฆ

Check it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Easier than that

I will. I saw the grain and it looked like some results I got with diffuse

Fixed the framing :wink:

a-little-bit-controversial-ND7_7215.NEF.xmp (14.2 KB)

Iโ€™m curious to hear why the sign is there? Were they doing work nearby?

this gravesite was renovated at that time because parts of the statue had come loose

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My edit