a little bit controversial πŸ˜…

ND7_7215.NEF (24.8 MB)

ND7_7215.NEF.xmp (9.0 KB)

have fun… :slight_smile:

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Interesting: a crucifix without the cross.

Is there another sign behind the warning sign? Or is that a part of the stand?

Mouahaha, nice one ! :laughing:

ND7_7215.NEF.xmp (37,4 Ko)


Your new blur module??? :slight_smile:

No, diffusion in blooming mode.

Very good image :wink:

ND7_7215_01.NEF.xmp (13.2 KB)
with Darktable 3.7 [master]

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I smell the diffuse module here…

Check it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Easier than that

I will. I saw the grain and it looked like some results I got with diffuse

Fixed the framing :wink:

a-little-bit-controversial-ND7_7215.NEF.xmp (14.2 KB)

I’m curious to hear why the sign is there? Were they doing work nearby?

this gravesite was renovated at that time because parts of the statue had come loose

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My edit