A new tool in Rawtherapee "Abstract Profile"


Thank you for this evaluation. :wink:

There has been a long (very) long debate on this subject since October 2020 (name, location, what it’s for…)

I remind that “abstract profile” does not load or change the input and output profiles…
They only use “working profiles” (which are not ICC profiles, but only RGB->XYZ code)

As a reminder 2 rawpedia links.


I think that changing the location would be a mistake (beyond taking over the code, especially GUI…), and I think it will stay as it is now



Yeah, ultimately my opinion is a cosmetic complaint and the most important thing is the function. It’s always nice to have new tools in the toolbox .

Plus if I want to use one or more abstract icx profiles it’s easy to chain them together with the basic input profile at the start with lcms2’s linkicc function. I’m.getting so deep into color management I think I’m starting to “color micromanage” :grin:

Hello Jacques, I like your abstract profile tool !
Found a little problem though. Open a raw (nef in my case), then go to the Color tab, choose Abstract profile - User defined. Then choose for Destination primaries Custom (sliders). Set Rx, Ry, Gx, Gy and Bx to 0 and By to 5.0 and RT segfaults.
Terminal says this:

Thread 97 “rawtherapee” received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x7fffbaffd700 (LWP 149681)]
0x00007ffff69040fa in cmsWriteTag () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblcms2.so.2

Version: 5.8-3005-gb6449bfd5
Branch: dev

I tried to reproduce (with a nef), but I can not set the values you used…

Edit: I can reproduce the crash when setting By to 0.5 (not 5.0)


I confirme the crash when setting By to 0.5…I will have a look :slight_smile:
With all others sliders to minimum

I will push a commit by chnaging limit By to 0.49, which should not be a problem. The maximum value of By for all spaces is 0.06.

I just try with 0.49 and all others sliders in various positions, no crash

I understand system must not crash…but if you look to Cie Xy diagram…with this settings,the color space is “curious”… :slight_smile:


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Hello Jacques, not only the color space is curious, also the user was ! :wink:

Paul , Ingo

The crash is also possible in some cases when Bx,By is “aligned” with the line “GxGy, RxRy”

I will push a fix…in this case (very rare) the system will not crash, but display a black screen…Because there is not space possible (a line)



Nice tool. It’s a pity that it is far from tools for working with light. Next to “raw white points” + tools are constantly collapsed.

For information, a newer version of this tool can be found in the current development version of RawTherapee and further developments are currently under way that will allow you to do to all basic tonal contrast and dynamic range adjustments from within this module.
As far as its position in the interface is concerned, you can place it in the favourites tab along with the other tools you use frequently. Favorites Tab - RawPedia