A total newbie question

Switched to ART from RT recently. Still getting the hang of it! A basic question 🙋 :grimacing: How do I map the options in RT for Exposure to the ones in ART? I know I can always learn through trial and error. Looking for shortcuts and pointers from the experienced users.

Hello, you can’t map them as they are different. Even if some of the names stay the same, the sliders or curves may act in different ways.

To adjust the exposure of a photo in Art, you have different ways to do that:

  • Tab 1. The Auto exposure button in the Tone curve module (like in RT, but it may behave somewhat different)
  • Tab 1. The Tone Equalizer in conjunction with the contrast slider in the Tone curve module
  • Tab 1. Log Tone Mapping
  • Tab 4. Use the exposure sliders. My favorite way to adjust exposure.

Thanks. I find the exposure and the tone equalized sliders of great help. Will try other controls too.

Tone eq zone mask is a great way to confirm what slider with target a particular area with the most impact…