Adding Custom Working Profiles

I can confirm this on Linux, but I don’t have a Mac

A comment (perhaps a bit out of topic): in Linux that folder is by default the location where all color managed applications search and place profiles, so it may be a good idea leaving that option alone, but there are 2 scenarios where that won’t be suitable:

  • if the user doesn’t have write permissions over that folder
  • if the user doesn’t want an endless list of profiles, that most probably will never use: at least in my system not changing the default folder would mean I would have to choose from among 14 sRGB profiles… Perhaps it’s worth adding an extra checkbox setting to load system wide color profiles? And leave the current option to point to a user folder where he/she puts custom profiles? Maybe this deserves a github issue?

Yes…I discovered that little trick later last night…
Getting much easier to use when I let the program do its own thing…:grinning:
And you took the trouble to tell me which is cool :sunglasses:

Just to specify, the "Working Profiles"used in hard-code, are in the form of a matrix RGB==>XYZ, so the primaries, no more than the illuminants appear.

This supposes (and it is the case) that these XYZ matrices are elaborated from the standard primaries and illuminants of each original profile (eventually with a Bradford adaptation…for example for sRGB, AdobeRGB…) . And obviously TRCs are not taken into account.


On W10, it is by default a Windows system directory C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color where I don’t understand why any app would like to put profiles except for display profiles (for instance displaycal). Furthermore, you need administrator rights to write here.
So a safe and only way is to use a user defined dir.
In the context of W10 I think the additional checkbox is useless.
This should better be located by default in the config dir.


This is definitely OOT, so I’ve opened a new github issue where we can discuss the topic.

Just a note: I think my suggestion is not useless in Windows, as I’ve commented in that github issue.

Let’s talk there…


I am beginning to make a little progress…I can see input/output for the first time

@Keentolearn So you’ve found the iccprofiles directory. It should be small step now to add the workingsprofiles.json file to that folder and get your custom profile working!

Does that mean that you would like to see the exact same directory here( Preferences/Color Management) as we are going to have in :/Applications/ ( or whatever you decide is the best home for the rtICCDir ? or what exactly should be entered as “the Directory containing color profiles” in Preferences/Color Management?
I will then write a Json as soon as I get confirmation as to best Directory
for the Json

Yes important to know that !
I will hold off the Json exercise until I hear your view on where exactly to place it…
as always forever grateful…Rawtherapee is not just about great software…its also about a great community behind it !!!

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It really doesn’t matter much where you put the JSON,but as others have suggested, you might want to leave the system folder alone. So, if you found the iccprofiles directory, I would put the JSON there. The only problem you may have is when you update RT to a newer version as this might overwrite your iccprofiles directory and therefore erase your JSON. So please remember that before any future updates and backup your JSON (and ICCs). I’m afraid there is no better solution yet.

So near but…
This is the path to both json and j.Holmes!
Screenshot 2020-12-08 at 01.00.49|354x300, 50%
To get into iccprofiles I have to go through Mac “Go to the folder” command. Otherwise going through Mac OS Finder Directories, I meet the Rawtherapee application logo which pops open the app itself…ie no subdirectories and just a live app instead.! But that is not a problem really.

[Screenshot 2020-12-08 at 01.21.29|690x220]

The Json


Screenshot 2020-12-08 at 01.30.39|690x220 (upload://jbUovWGjzouW6dQ8EHb2FOHUD8Y.jpeg) peg)

Rawtherapee just wont open Holmes in Working Screenshot 2020-12-08 at 02.25.57
Good Night

Splitting the path over two separate lines is asking for trouble. You also have a spurious space at the end of the string. But since you put the icc file right next to the json, why not simply go for the relative path, "file" : "./DCam 3,J.Holmes.icc"?

Edit: I didn’t check the actual filename of the icc file, but apparently that contains more spaces! DCam 3, J. Holmes.icc is the correct name.

Will do that later today😀

It is worth stating explicitly that for Windows users the path to the file set out in workingspaces.json has to use the Unix “/” and not the Windows “\”.

Screenshot 2020-12-09 at 01.58.48|570x312

Screenshot 2020-12-09 at 01.36.09|690x240

Screenshot 2020-12-09 at 00.31.13


I am honestly at a loss as to how to solve this.
Could you possibly write a json to match whats in the snapshots and I will copy exactly please. Matt

I am using BBedit(free)

In applications folder, right click on Rawtherapee icon and select ‘show package contents’. That will give you the subdirectories, such as Contents/Resources/iccprofiles

Haven’t I already kinda literally said what you should write? Also, forgive me if this sounds snarky, but do you do fully understand how files and file paths work, and how you need to be 100% accurate or otherwise it won’t work? I see two very obvious errors in your approach now, both related to spaces.
Your file is named workingspaces .json (note the extra space) and the file you refer to is DCam3,J.Holmes.icc while the actual file is named DCam 3, J. Holmes.icc.
Fix that and I believe you should be good to go.

Otherwise: "file" : "./DCam 3, J. Holmes.icc" should also work.
Note: I missed a space as well earlier to be honest, sorry for that if I confused you.

Thank You so much for that invaluable tip.:slightly_smiling_face:

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Of course that code was the very first that I tried and messed up…and you are not being "snarkey"either…you are incredibly patient and have a gift to communicate knowledge and hence educate others to a better way! Through your incisive help (and many others too ) I have been taken away from a slightly misleading advice structure (for MacOS users only) outlined in Rawpedia Custom Profile page 325 onwards…Thats history now and Rawpedia is an awesome production from cover to cover.
You have focused me into the correct zone to resolve only the json issue and in doing so have exposed my true weakness which is code writing. I want to print a “near perfect”, long lasting, 70 inch print and I know now that Rawtherapee has already given me three vital techniques to do that…diffraction control , upsizing power and your tip to “assign” Holmes color spaces when returning back into the same Holmes color space but in a different application.I am damn sure there are many other gems to be discovered in RT and from you and others in this PX site I will listen and learn intently.
I am passionate about fine art printing and the color management structure necessary to produce that print and (unfortunately in a sense) I have accumulated and managed hundreds of profiles over the years with zero skill in code writing.
But if i want to exploit the true potentail of Raw Therapee I will have to change and up my knowlege of basic code. If you can think of a sound introduction to beginners code I will follow up on it. Please excuse my ignorance which I am keenly aware is a “surefire way” to frustrate others.
Meanwhile I will sort out my act back here and come back with a positive result…
“Go Raibh Mille Mhaith Agat” ( means a hundred thousand thanks to you in the Irish language)


Sorry Tim
i never included your logo…thats such a simple tip and so helpful!.. wish I had known that earlier