Adding modules after display convertion?

OK, so I’ve checked one of them (Play with the garden's residents - #19 by tripling.paul, DSCF8007_01.RAF.xmp), and see that you use exposure to constrain the ‘scene-referred’ part of the pipeline to 0…1, underexposing everything (moving the mid-grey to much lower values than 18%):

But then that means that some modules, which actually expect mid-grey to be at 18% to divide the image into shadows, midtones and highlights, like color balance rgb, would not work without messing with their mid-grey assumption (yes, I notice you don’t use the module in that edit). And then you use sigmoid as a simple contrast curve, not as a tone mapper, extending the dynamic range, rather than compressing it.
RGB parade and histogram before sigmoid – nothing even comes close to 100%:


There’s nothing wrong with that, per se, and the processed flower really looks impressive. It’s just not ‘by the book’ usage of the modules, I guess. :slight_smile: