afre's G'MIC diary

There’s always c++ for creating your own box filter and it will be faster than gmic, and yes that’s gonna take a while.

boxfilter is already a native G’MIC command, done in C++, and with OpenMP parallelization.
(good luck to make it faster :slight_smile: )

He said he wanted to make his own version which is why I suggested c++.

Changed the wording. Didn’t mean to imply that cimg / gmic’s boxfilter wasn’t fast or doing box filter things.

I recall my only experience learning programming fell flat in grade school when I was introduced to Turing. Maybe I wasn’t all that interested back then, or I was distracted by the teacher’s weirdness (he kept on talking about his failed projects and fanboy-ing Larry Ellison). Perhaps it is time to learn… Apparently, @anon41087856 learned C / C++ in a short time. Any advice would be appreciated.


None of my filters acknowledge alpha. Could you remind me how Krita handles images? Are layers always RGBA or CMYKA?

Krita G’MIC-QT always convert images to RGBA32F scaled by 255 regardless of color space in Krita. It convert it back after gmic processing.

I could always use blend, which has all the conditionals. Wanted to go my own way. :man_artist:

There is also sh. 0,2 command rm.. That is what I use to limit processing to color channel.

Unrelated to G’MIC, for the first time, I have lost the Regular trust level on the forum. I guess I got into the habit of reading without logging in. I am logging in less and less since I joined but I still read most posts. And I like less or am liked less. It is kind of annoying because I regularly help people add tags, change categories or titles (where needed only). I enjoy being useful in that way.

Oh my, you’re more regular than most. @paperdigits, I vote for a hard-coded Regular for @afre:smiley:

I am also :poop: regular. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :rofl:

I had to work hard to avoid that double-entendre… :laughing:

That said, I’ve just had my raisin bran, so I’m good to go!

Things that become important at age 63… :boom:

Why not just log in?


This version of your code fixes Contrast FFT though I prefer to leave it to you how to address this change.

#@cli afre_contrastfft : 1<=strength<=100,0<=_amount<=100,1<=_iterations<=10
#@cli : Enhance contrast for selected images with Fourier transform.
#@cli : Default values: 'strength=75', 'amount=50' and 'iterations=1'.
afre_contrastfft : check "${1=75}>=1 && ${2=50}>=0 && ${3=1}>=1 &&
    $1<=100 && $2<=100 && $3<=10"
  m "process_image: +fftpolar ^.. {($1-0.5)/100} ifftpolar[^0] afre_softlight $2"
  e[] "[afre]^_^) contrastfft: Enhance contrast for image$? with Fourier transform using strength=$1, amount=$2 and iterations=$3."
  repeat $! l[$>] repeat $3
    if s==2||s>3 sh 0,{s-2} process_image. rm.
    else process_image
  done endl done
  um process_image

To explain what I did.

  1. I simply moved the main processing code into a internal command code for rapid editing purpose. I don’t really want to poke too much with your code.
  2. sh 0,{s-2} would take out the “alpha channel” and put it as a shared image, then you can process the shared image and then remove it when the “color channels” no longer needs to be edited.

@paperdigits Thanks for the bump. I only log in when I intend to write posts. It is easy to log in from my laptop but not so using mobile since my touch screen is broken and Firefox crashes often. I don’t care about stats or likes but it does affect the Regular grant (which I hide because it isn’t about the status but how I can help people).

@Reptorian While the idea is good, I wonder why David doesn’t do this anywhere. Could it be that this doesn’t always work? In certain circumstances shared doesn’t, right?

It’s a bit harder to write with shared than it is with split channels. I use shared primarily because it is faster to process images with shared when the output dimension is the same as the old dimension than to use s c a c. I avoid the easier approach because of speed whenever possible.

I started a bunch of threads and have been busy with others. No work on any of the commands. I should debug the code for real; however, I am more interested in ideas than the programming and mathematics. :sweat_smile: In the meantime, fun elsewhere— okay, I will throw you a bone.

Half-sized preview

Full-sized raw


Depracated afre_gui*_alt and replaced it with afre_gui*_fast based on the new afre_box_fast. Commands have adopted _fast where appropriate. The “faster” box depends on afre_box and boxfilter, and behaves a little differently. It is still relatively slow but definitely faster than the non fast version. Will be available in few hours.

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@afre I had checked out your latest commit. However, I must point you this. It seem like the loop should be $<. What I see is split channel and then it will modify one of the split channel after the endl.

I could be wrong, but that is how I’m reading it.

I don’t think there is a problem. afre_norm behaves as it should. This is the IO.

Input (s channels) -> Output (1 channel, or s channels of the 1 channel)

That said, changes are in store, mostly cosmetic.