Aligning Images with Hugin

Yes I am.

Maybe it has gone away and we need to update this tutorial!

It is still there but disabled, so I assume that somewhere Hugin thinks that I don’t need it.

I’ll try to have a look today.

I am using Hugin for the first time and followed the above step-by-step instructions (thanks for putting this together!). However, when I got to this step β€œSelect Optimize now! and wait for the software to finish the calculations” I got an error message that says:

β€œThere are no control points in the current configuration for the optimizer. Please add control points before running the optimizer. Optimization canceled.”

I’m not sure how to proceed. Any help would be appreciated.

@eli318 you need to find control points first, then optimize those points.

Thanks for the quick reply. Sure, that makes sense based on the message I got. Because I am so new to the program, I don’t know how that is done. Can you point me to instructions on that part?

On the Photos tab, near the bottom, there is a button called Create Control Points.

We may need to revisit this tutorial, as I think hugin has changed slightly since this was authored.

Got it. Thanks!