An external editor launcher lua script (for Windows and Linux)

Regarding to this Lua: how to make os.rename & os.remove work with filenames containing unicode characters? - Stack Overflow
I found solution here UTF-8 filenames on Windows in pure Lua · GitHub
But I don;t know where and what I have to do.
Where to put utf8_filenames.lua and where insert require lines and require = what ?


It would be nice to be able to send it directly to the editor, so that the editor opens automatically when exporting the .tiff file. Another thing is, that sometimes the .tiff opens in the external editor after exporting to collection, when selecting the .tiff in lighttable and clicking ‘edit’ in the right panel, but more often it does not open and I get the message ‘error launching Affinity Photo’. And then I have to go to the collection and open the .tiff in the editor myself. I don’t know why it has not not been made possible to open a .tiff in the editor with just one click, like Lightroom, ART and RawTherapee.


The export to collection function can work on multiple files at once, while the “edit” or “edit a copy” functions inside the ext_editor script work only on one file.
The use case I imagined was:

  • edit one or more files in DT
  • export them to collection; that’s your base version
  • one by one, edit or better edit copy in external editor, so you have before and after

But of course anyone is free to propose a PR to change the behaviour