Analysis of some Working- and Output Profiles

The older I get, the less safe it is eating fish whole. Can’t seem to pick out all the bones. :fish:

Speaking of bones, I recall there being a lengthy discussion on this starting about here Feature request: save as floating-point - #118 by Elle. Our saucy friend @saucecontrol joined the conversation in post 134.

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Hahaha :smile:
Yes, I already posted this topic (and some quotes from it) up here in nr. 17…
Maybe he drank too much fish sauce :thinking:
But I think it’s a little bit dangerous what he did at his blog - publishing incorrect informations, which leads to confusion in other people’s minds. Maybe someone (naive) will believe in it and does “wrong” processing…
Well, not our responsibility :nerd_face:

No need to make fun of the sauce. The links I provided point to the beginning of the conversation. It is okay to discuss and learn from the discussion. The problem with the forum is that the key points are often lost. The inaccurate makes the relevant harder to discover.

Yes, of course you’re right!
Sorry, I didn’t mean to be unfair to anyone.
So let’s stop here and leave this topic as it is :wink: