Any idea how to get working drivers for this camera? [solved]

You should make an Instagram filter out of that :slight_smile:

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Well there’s no need to pixel peep

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Its like a digital holga! :sunglasses:


I was about to click on the preview for full si… but it is full size !
The hazy-dreamy pre processing is heavy with this camera :smiley:

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A bit of an egregious thought but these seem like the kind of pictures that would be fit to play around with AI generation or upscaling, even if purely for recreational purposes.

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Yes, why not? I might try shoving one through Upscayle… that’s the only AI I have handy atm…

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Mmm… not sure if it’s worth it. :smile:


Seems not :smiley: The initial resolution might be too low. I just noticed the license on the files… Gonna give it a go as well.

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Yeah I thought someone might like to play with them. :slight_smile:
Be interested to see your results. Chainner would be interesting to try too but I haven’t got my head around that one.

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Not much success either :smiley: The resolution might really be too low I think


I think some pre-AI treatment might work rather well.

Oldschool multi-step upscale with uneven multipliers and then adding grain, upscale once more, sharpen, then downscale but again with a little different multiplier.

… is there a modern day version of what “Grain Surgery 2” could do if anyone remembers that?

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Never heard of Grain Surgery, but looked it up. 2005… still available (on a possibly dodgy site).

Interesting technique!

Grain Surgery was the magic wand in an image editors toolbox, especially when working with images from different source materials. It could not only add grain but actually match the grain and color from one image onto others. And since it came from the motion picture corner of the world it could do that as batch process. One of the few tools I really miss from “back then”.

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Those clouds


Gee, yes!

I had another go with the MiniCam 100k earlier this evening. I had the bright idea of doing stitching to get more resolution!
Both these are composed of vertical frames.
The first was unexpectedly hard to stitch. Xpano managed to do it two parts, then I manually stuck those two together in GIMP. I’m thinking it might be due to lack of control points at this resolution.
My old staple MICE couldn’t do it at all…

Just look at the pink clouds! Highlight recovery anyone??

This second one worked ok though.
Curves tweaked in GIMP.


Incidentally, this is the software to import images from the camera. :star_struck:


Even the gui is pixelated… :laughing:


Such nostalgia, I remember this era of custom gui softwares
So much space lost at a time where resolutions were so low !
Realplayer winamp and such …

I did not have the same quality standards for software at that time and was using windows …

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Purple design accents is so 90s

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And the gui is such a weird shape! I don’t even know what it’s supposed to look like… :crazy_face: