Any interest in a "film negative" feature in RT ?

I can’t speek for all “the RT developers”, but I’m personally interested in such a feature (and was talking about the color film problem with @heckflosse lately). I can offer you my help for getting this into RT.

Definitely. I don’t think DIY film scanning is a niche, there are so many negatives lying dormant and waiting to be recovered. A ready-to-use solution in RT would bring that to the masses. :grin:

While we’re all fans of the UNIX philosophy this wouldn’t help John Doe (who isn’t aware of something like the command line).

Hmm. :wink:

(Shush! Look at this. Maybe you could ask the one with the color target to lend it to you.)

Great! :+1:

That’s a lot. Now let’s make it useful for everybody. Fork RT on GitHub and make a pull request. When you need a helping hand (or two), don’t hesitate to ask here, in a PM, or in the PR at GitHub. Really looking forward to it.
