Arghh... Photo regret (been there?)

I wouldn’t sell yourself so short, your OP in this thread alone proves that you’ve got some gears turning over.

this reminds me of the old “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?”

thinking about it in a different way, does one mountain look upon another in awe? I think you, me, Ansel Adams, or anyone else is by far the most important component in the relationship between themselves and the environment - at least when it comes to appreciating the importance, or if you like the beauty, of that very relationship.

As a ‘people photographer,’ my answer would be ‘Who cares!’ :wink:

Joking aside, though, the genre you like is the genre you like; we all have different tastes in photography in the same way we all like different genres of music. :slightly_smiling_face:

Anyway… where was I? Ah, yes… Trees are boring! :wink:

Again, just a joke. I think all you ‘landscape lovers’ are amazing — and if the standard of the photos on this forum are anything to go by , exceptionally talented to boot. :heart:

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Yes, definitely been there

I can let go now days

recommend a coarse grind