ART feature requests and discussion

I know you are not planning on any new features, and ART really has everything that you need already, but the following are suggestions for ‘would be nice to have’ in the GUI for masks, just to speed up their use…

  1. Outline of shape visible as a line rather than remaining a rectangle when adjusting the roundness of the area mask.
  2. Dotted line on the image outside the mask to adjust the feathering on the image, similar to the spot tool
  3. A gradient tool with a GUI similar to the one already in place under ‘special effects’ but implemented for masks. (I know you can already draw a rectangle off the image and feather it)
  4. A roundness adjustment for the polygon mask so if you have a shape with lots of corners that you want with rounded edges, it saves you having to adjust each corner separately.
  5. Also, is there a reason why there is always a rectangle that covers the whole image when you first use the area mask? This can catch you out when using the polygon tool, if you forget to delete it. Perhaps there is a logic to this that I haven’t realised…

Obviously these are just niceties to speed things up slightly, everything can be done without them, so you may consider that they are not worth the time spent…

These are all good suggestions, thanks. Maybe since of them will come in due time… For now, I’m releasing 1.5.1 this weekend. One question though:

I’m not sure I understand this. Can you elaborate?

Hi, sorry this wasn’t very clear, perhaps easier with a screenshot.
Open area mask:

Now add a polygon, there is already a rectangle shape covering the screen, that you need to remember to delete. Not a big deal but might confuse the uninitiated. I wondered if perhaps the area needed to cover the whole screen by default to make other things work in default mode.

Are you using a custom default profile? The initial rectangle has been removed a while ago, but perhaps it’s still in your custom arp. If you reset to neutral, you should see it’s not there. So, just delete it from your default profile and it should not bother you anymore

Yes, that’s why it’s there, thanks…

Hi !

A little bug, I think.
I open a picture, say, 5000x2000. I do stuff, then I finish by cropping the picture with a width that is 1/2 of its height. I do what I have to do, then I save the partial profile in order to reuse it on other pictures :
Now I open another picture, that doesn’t have the same size, say 4000x1500.
Do stuff, then I finish by open the partial profile for the final dimensions.
It doesn’t work, the width is not half of the height.
But if I uncheck ‘Lock ratio’ then check it just after, the width is corrected.

Hi, I agree it’s counterintuitive and should be changed. However, this is not a regression, so it will have to wait for another release. I really want to get 1.5.1 out this weekend…

Don’t worry, just when you can. This little issue is not a deal-breaker ! :laughing: And the workaround is easy.


This is a perfect example for this feature suggestion:

Local Exposure
Right now I use the local feature Color Correction: Slope (Highlights/Gain) for doing highlight recovery to sky mask but its not very effective compared to global Exposure Tab: Tone Equalizer Highlights.

My suggestion is to have Tone Curve and some sliders for highlight and shadow recovery locally.

What do you :thinking:?

I have currently no plans on adding new tools / processing features, I think what is there should be enough to cover most needs. In terms of processing capabilities, I consider ART more or less done. From now on, development will focus on improving what is there, in terms of stability, performance, and quality. The only new functionalities I’m considering at the moment concern interoperability (e.g. support for more input and output formats, move to libraw for decoding, …).



The only thing I’d like to see added to ART is the waveform et vectorscopes that are currently in development for RT. Indeed, lately I’ve been doing some video work in DaVinci Resolve and for color correction and grading, waveform and vectoscopes are really nice and more useful than the simple RGB histogram.


Let’s wait until it’s ready in RT. Then I can steal the code :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Stealing code literally is impossible, except you are the owner of the repository you steal the code from and then remove that repository :wink:

Copying code from an open source repository which matches the license, is perfectly fine.


A feature that I’d really have as I often need it is to add or remove specific colors from a scene.
The tool ‘color correction’ is really useful, but it allows to “bend” colors from a point to another. And frankly, on my side, I use only the ‘standard’ option. Anyway. That would be great would to be able to choose a color (like purple for example) :
Of course you can pick up a color on the photo.
Then to choose the way it changes the photo (masks could be used of course) with the same kind of curve used for local contrast :
In the middle, no change
upper, you add the color (until it becomes plain purple)
lower, you subtract color.
On the left, the black, the shadows
On the right, the highlights.

So this way, it would be very easy to have a photo with shadows with a purple-ish tint and a green vibe (for example) for the highlights (done with 2 masks, one for the purple, one for the green). Another example, a photo that is entirely in a tint that you want to remove. Even if it’s a basic color like blue, I can’t do what I want with actual tools. Maybe I need more skill, though.

Anyway, I think that could be a good addition.

It’s more straightforwards than the actual color correction or ‘color equalizer’ which works differently, and I can’t achieve what I want with them.

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why do you think you can’t do this with the current color correction? If you share a file I can give it a try…

I’ll answer to you by presenting the tool and what it can do, my feelings about it when I use it.

  • First you have the ‘standard’ option, perfect when you want to add a tone/color. And frankly I use it a lot. There are option to add/remove saturation, the power of the effect and so on. I like it. The only issue with it is that you can’t remove a color. But the next option can do it.
  • So ‘Separate RGB channels’. That could do it. I have a photo in a garden with a guy. Let’s try to remove the green. We have 3 cursors for that. But here is me problem : yes the green disappear from vegetation, but in the same time it adds red everywhere and I don’t want that, for example, I’d like that the skin of the guy remains unchanged, as skin has barely no green in the color. In this tool, remove a color (and if it’s not pure blue/red/green it’s complicated) brings other colors. That’s not what I want, so let’s try the last option.
  • ‘HSL factors’. Well… it’s more complicated than the previous one. Let’s try with slope. Cursor on green, add some saturation below (the picture is changing, more saturated in the green, that’s I don’t want) and change the lightness. Except if I miss something, you can’t remove a color, just change/add tones/light.

Maybe what I’m asking is impossible (removing a given color in pixels without touching the ones that don’t have this color), or it’s very possible but I have to be more experimented with the tools I have, but for me, for now, except if you want to change the tone of a picture (with ‘standard’) I can’t do what I want with the others, and especially when I want to remove a specific color. :slight_smile:


Hello, when you say ‘remove color’ you mean desaturate a part of a photo? Just use a mask and you’re done.

Following: original photo, 2nd mask on the yellow tulip and desaturated using separate RGB channels, the third one is separate rgb and make it green, the last one is done with sepRGB to make it orange. You can produce the same with HSL factors or Standard.



Yes, but you focus on this flower, and change (with the help of a mask) only this flower. I use the tool, no problem. But it’s not the same thing when you want to remove a color from a scene.
Let me explain. If i take your photo and do this :
All you picture will be blueish.
Now if I ask you ‘look at this photo, there’s too many blue’, are you able to retrieve that base photo by removing the blue ?
And here maybe it’s possible, as I’ve chosen a color that is not actually used in the base photo. But if it’s a color that the photo already has ? Example with the red :
If remove the reddish tone of the picture, will I keep the red of the main flower ? (I didn’t try, I must say).
And blue here is a easy color. If I ask you the same thing with pink, purple, orange ?

What I’d like is a tool where I choose a color, and the program with all components in this color (red, blue, green of course, but also hue, light, saturation and so on) be able to remove it while keeping or retrieving the other colors ‘behind’ (if I am clear).
You may say that’s possible but for me if it’s the case it’s not an easy task. But if it’s possible and not that difficult, I’d be pleased to read/watch a tutorial about it. :slight_smile:

Well I just tried to retrieve base picture from blueish picture by doing the exact opposite :
And it works ! :sweat_smile:
So maybe there’s something here. But that means that you must know the ‘opposite’ color of the color you want to remove. Not that simple.

Edit : for both examples I took, taking the exact opposite works. Maybe something could be added in the tool for this purpose ?

@Teto I’m not sure if I understand what you want to achieve. But to me, “remove a color from the whole scene” is what the Color equalizer can do: locate the color on the equalizer curve in the “S” (saturation) tab, add a point there and drag it down to desaturate the corresponding color.