ART feature requests and discussion

The better way to do this, I was informed, is to provide cryptographic signatures. This helps verify file integrity and also verify that you’re the one who signed for it.


Yes, I could also do signatures. It would be one more annoyance :slight_smile: but considering that new releases should not be too frequent, that could work.

By some cryptographic mystery, my builds on keybase are signed by the same person posting here. That was a recommendation by @patdavid

@agriggio To set up the GPG env is a burden but made once.
Signature can be automated in a script.
“$programdir32”/GNU/GnuPG/gpg2 -s -b -a -r Gaaned92 $installdir/"$nom".exe
Then you put the .asc along with the exe.
I used to do that for RT when uploading on Google.
After that, paranoid users can verify signature with your public key.


I’ve been using ART for several months now and I have to say it’s outstanding. One feature I’d like to see added is the ability to copy masks I create in a local editing function to other local editing functions. For example if I create a polygon area mask in the local contrast tab to mask the sky around trees and mountains, I often would like to use the same mask in color/tone correction tab. It would save some time if I could copy and paste the mask from one local edit function to another. As it is I have to draw it again. I know I can duplicate the mask at the top of the function, but I’d like to copy it to another function. I don’t use the brush mask as often, but it would be nice if that could be copied as well. I realize the parametric and color similarity masks depend on the image so copying those settings from one function to another might not give the same results, but even if if the resulting mask is slightly different it would be better than starting over. I always click show mask to make sure the mask is what I want. I don’t need a full featured mask manager like darktable. Just something that copies settings from one module to another. I don’t know if that would be difficult to implement with the current software.

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Screenshot from 2021-02-25 08.09.35

Screenshot from 2021-02-25 08.09.46

Indeed, and that’s the reason why there is no global “copy/paste the whole parametric mask” functionality. However, you can still copy/paste the individual curves:
Screenshot from 2021-02-25 08.10.03

Do you think this could work?


Elaborating a little bit: if people are willing to accept that the the mask might act differently depending on which tool it is applied to, then adding a global copy/paste mask functionality could be done easily. So far, I always thought it might create confusion and it would not be terribly useful, but if enough users disagree with me, I am ready to change my mind :slight_smile:

Yes the copy and paste mask is exactly what I wanted. I’m embarrassed I didn’t see it on the area and brush mask settings. Thank you.

And my vote would be to allow copy and paste for the parametric and color similarity mask settings. I think it’s easier to start with something close than start over.

First of all, I did not read the 700++ messages above me, I am very sorry about that, but in one month I would not have finished to read this page.

Also, I Never heard about ART before subscribing, so I gave it a try (BTW impossible to find via google “ART” or “ART Photo Editor” and derivatives, unless you add both words “ART and rawtherapee”, IMVHO that naming have SEO problem)

Having said that, and like Rawtherapee(which I don’t use) there is no Menu (File, Edit, Effect, Color, etc…) and my first impression is exactly like Rawtherapee
Hello Houston I don’t understand what I am seeing, over
Each time I tried Rawtherapee I felt like I would need a PhD to use Rawtherapee…

If you fork it from RT is it to keep it like RT? Sorry, to be that direct/frank, but after opening ART what hits my mind → “Um, it’s Rawtherapee!?…”

Having a top Menu in ART would have helped me a lot, a Menu it’s a kind of anchor for people (old like me :wink:)
So if I may have a request it would be a top Menu (File Edit Effect Colors Exposure whatever etc…) with all functions listed (even with sub-menu if needed)

In all case, Thanks to give people more choice, that great!

Thanks for the feedback! It’s always useful to see things from a different perspective. I can’t say I agree with your assessment, but that’s ok – I will definitely keep in mind your point of view


Hello, you don’t need any academic degree, just spend a couple of minutes in the Getting Started section in RawPedia and you’re done. The same applies to ART as well.

On your menu point, things don’t have to be always the same as you are used to. Using a menu structure in RT/ART would be very counter-productive imo.


@PixLab, I felt similar to you when I first started with ART/RT. I wanted something that felt familiar like the other photo editing programs I had been using for years. I was very frustrated at first and had great difficulty understanding how to get around ART/RT efficiently with so many options to choose from. Then I started to watch carafile’s and Andy Astbury’s videos on YouTube. You will find that the RT videos might help towards your understanding of ART. Checkout the playlist for each of the two programs.

For ART: Here I used CC translation from French to English. Not perfect, but good enough to get an understanding.

For RT:

The most important take away was that watching these videos changed the way I now edit my photos. I now think a bit more creatively which is a direct result of watching these to guys edit their photos. Where I used to find menus helpful, I now know where to go without them. Like you, I’m no spring chicken, but learning new ways of doing things can sometimes be very helpful.

Take some time to watch the videos and see if they give you what you need in order to use ART efficiently. The price of admission is free and you have nothing to lose.


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@PixLab I quite understand your concern. And yes all those raw processors I know more or less ( RawTherapee, darktable, ART, Affinity, DXO) are intimidating and seem staggeringly complex.
But among them, ART is the simplest!
Follow above advices to get started, certainly read rawpedia.

From your above text, I think you didn’t begin to process an image, but you just got stuck in the navigation panel

Double click on the photo folder to open it, then double click on the thumbnail, the editor panel opens with the processing menu

Raw processing and color management joy begins :crazy_face:

Hello, I wondered whether you had considered having an ‘inverse mode’ for the ‘colour similarity mask’. It would quite often be useful in a situation where you wanted to select an object that has has a range of shades / hues against a background that is more uniform, within a region defined by an area mask. For example if you had a tree against a blue sky, you could select the sky, then invert it, then the tree would be selected. This could already be achieved with the appropriate parametric mask, but would just be quicker. I don’t know whether this is something that is easy to implement
As always, these are just ideas, not a request / demand…Many thanks for your work!

You can use a negative decay for that. Not the most obvious, I know, but it was quicker than adding another parameter… I should probably just do that though

Yes, it works perfectly, in combination with adjusting the range. I just would have never known to do that, I tend to stray away from decaying things… :slightly_smiling_face: I wonder if there is a way of making it more obvious what decay does?

Decay controls the “abruptness” of the transition between in-mask and out-of-mask pixels – does that make sense?

Yes that makes complete sense, and it seems a very useful control, so it would be great if there was some way of making it more obvious. Perhaps the terminology ‘hard’ or ‘soft’ transition could be used on the GUI if there was space. Is +100 a more abrupt or softer transition than zero?

Thanks a lot to all of you for your input and links, very much appreciated.


I don’t agree, when you do not know where are the “button” (especially in the beginning) a quick jump to the menu and it’s done, beginners will not be discouraged (I’m speaking for me :wink: ), if people doesn’t like it => right click on the menu to remove it like with Digikam (or the CtrL+M toggle) and it’s done.


This is exactly my feelings each time I have opened RT, frustration :cry:

Thanks a lot for the links I will definitely look at them, (icing on the cake I speak French, it should be easier for me than reading an automated translation :ok_hand:)


It a point of view :wink:
I did tried many times over the years RT (because from my point of view it has the best noise reduction on the planet), but the fact that RT has icons everywhere and in every corner, get me lost because none of the icons has a name (yes just over with the mouse :wink: but…). I know for a fact that’s an excellent editor, but from my point of view, the GUI is not the simplest.

Over all, I understand, once you know it, and have to use it, ART can be very efficient and you find its GUI very nice, but for a first time beginner with ART/RT, people like me who have to use Darktable or Lightzone, the learning curve/first look can be very discouraging IMVHO (I’m speaking for myself :smiley:)

Again thanks a lot to all of you for your inputs, it was very instructive, I very much appreciated it as you let me see “how you see” ART.

Have a great day

Its not obvious but you can create a favourites tab that might help…

That sounds more like scene referred workflow in darktable… :smile:

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