ART feature requests and discussion

@gaaned92 At least in RT paste profile from clipboard in editor only affects the image in editor, while ctrl-v affects the selected images in filebrowser/filmstrip

It’s the same in ART. My question was: is it possible that past profile from clipboard in editor behaves the same as ctrl-v with minimum modification of the code as it is not in my opinion very important.

My question is: Is it useful? In my opinion it could be confusing. Assume you have 3 files selected in filmstrip/filebrowser and just want to paste a profile to the image opened in editor using paste profile from clipboard?. In this case, the profile would also be pasted to the three files selected in filmstrip/filebrowser

I tend to agree in not considering this a bug – but I have to think a bit more about it to make up my mind :slight_smile:

In my opinion, it’s not a bug, and it is not that useful as there is another mean to copy a profile to a few images in the filmstrip. Perhaps also confusing as @heckflosse pinpointed.
By the way it was a question from a user on the French forum.

Current behavior is consistent with the designated use of the right pane dedicated to adjustment of the image opened in the editor only.
If no image is opened, nothing happens when the Copy button is pressed;)

I don’t install ART, I just get the ZIP for Windows and run it from that folder (big thanks to gaaned92 for providing it!).

Just one question, when I first start ART all menus are expanded - is that normal behavior/intended? So first 2 Minutes are spent to collapse all. Or is there are specific setting?

This might help:

since I discovered ART it became my fovrite RAW converter, especially the masking is wery useful. Than you for this incredible work!

Have you @agriggio ever thought about the introducing of GLOBAL masks? I mean, it would be great to have a separate tool, where you can create a mask. And after that you can use every tool available in ART (including exposure, datail and color tabs) only to this mask. What do you think, is this possible?

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it is certainly possible, but it would require a quite significant refactoring of the current code. I’m afraid the effort required for this is beyond what I can currently put on ART, sorry…

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If you look in detail at the all the settings of the local adjustment tools, there is very little that can’t be done, just some of them work in a slightly different way to the other tools.

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Love the new gradient tool in ART, thanks @agriggio and @Hombre for your hard work!


@agriggio I am wondering how much the ‘edit current area by drawing rectangle’ gets used in the area mask. To me its original function was to quickly draw a rectangle when the first layer always had a rectangle covering the entire area. This is no longer the case and now it seems a bit inconsistent as there aren’t similar functions for polygons and gradients. Wouldn’t people either add a new rectangle shape or edit the one that’s there?

I think it looks confusing and risks messing up an existing shape when you are trying to add a new one as the buttons look very similar. I think removing this button would make things simpler and neater without losing functionality.

Other people’s opinions may differ, I wonder what people think…Perhaps I am nitpicking and it isn’t worth the trouble!

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I agree, and in fact I’m getting rid of it :slight_smile:

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btw, this is 100% @Hombre’s work – kudos to him!

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Interestingly, what exactly has changed? (I have version 1.8.4) On the photo it seems that the gradient filter is editable in color / tone correction. Is that right?

That’s right Ramana.

Thanks. How can I do that?

The gradient tool under special effects hasn’t changed. But now there is the option to add gradients in the area mask section under local adjustment tools so you can adjust colours and tones. It is only in the latest development build atm.

Transparency to png and tiff outputs

I love ART Thanks! Working in LinuxMint with the latest appimage 1.7.1…

Sorry: Perhaps my proposal for a new feature is closed, solved or out of scope for ART

Could it be possible to add transparency setting/slider to Local Editing Settings with masks?

So that in png file the transparent “color” is included e.g. for product photos directly frm ART with transparent background.

Besr regards Raimo