ART (the software) news

this is certainly doable, and it could actually work better than the current layout. thanks! I’ll give it a try

Great. Same, could be applied to local, contrast and smoothing if it works out…

Just as a thought:
Why not move it behind one button in the tool’s title bar: “Masking”. Clicking that will open a drop down with all the masking options. That way no additional vertical space is wasted. And you could automatically enable “show mask” so no user will overlook this feature anymore (probably would need an option so that experienced users can easily disable it).

The only gripe I have in this tool is indeed the “show mask” box which is too far down and required to scroll down to activate it, scroll up to refine the curves, scroll down again to disable “show mask”.
But that’s just a small gripe, I love ART so much overall!

Agreed these are small gripes. Moving the show mask box would be a quick way of making things easier…

ART is now my preferred tool for raw processing; simple, fast and easy to use, except mask definition.

Agreed and perhaps suggestion of @spidermonkey or @ff2000 could further permt to improve the GUI

@ff2000 Just my thoughts… I find drop down list is OK for selection choices that you don’t have to make too often but may become cumbersome if that was the main way of navigating between things. Just trying to think of ways of making the masking tool more navigable with fewer clicks. Just my opinion, others may not agree and is up to agrigio as it his project.

I thought more of a modal dialog (without title bar, of course) that stays on top.
Tabs are suboptimal IMO in this case as the TabWidget has to manage the space for the content of the different tabs. This will leave either a lot of empty space for the settings of the tool or place the masking (curve/shape) in a scrolled widget. With a drop down/pop up you can allocate the space that’s needed for the tool UI and place the masking in a different window.

Thinking about it I don’t think the title bar would be the best place for such a button as one tool has several instances. but somewhere near the instance selector or inside the list itself it would be better.

I see what you mean now. Let’s see what Agriggio comes up when or if he has time…

In the end, I’ve decided (after trying it out) against a tabbed interface, for the reasons explained by @ff2000. Still, I’ve made some tweaks to the UI, hopefully it’s a bit more efficient now. If you (all) have the chance to try it out, please let me know your thoughts!

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Much better now. Just a simple re arrangement has put most of the things that are used frequently closer together, so easier to use. Thanks for doing this. uploaded

Much easier to use as show mask is accessible and the mask panel can be shrinked. A very small remark: when mask panel is shrinked, show mask could be disabled. Thanks

I agree with the remarks of @spidermonkey and @gaaned92. I thinks it also simplifies the access of local treatments and applied them to the whole image and then eventually choose a mask.
Added a small modification of french translation file, taking into account a typographical error.Thanks a lot for your fine work.Francais.txt (147.1 KB)

That’s a good suggestion, thanks! I’ve just implemented it.

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Boy, it makes me want to reprocess all my images!

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Yes, it will become a pleasure to use local adjustments!

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A new updated french translation file, including the new lines (251…) for Histogram_Tooltip.Francais.txt (147.2 KB)

I use mainly the tone equalizer to correct shadows and highlight. It’s perhaps a mistake.
Is it better to use shadows/highlight? in what cases?

I see you suppressed the RGB mode. what is the reason?
thank you

I never use shadows/highlights these days, tbh.

simplicity (of both the code and the ui). For the intended usage, Lab is just fine (S/H is in the “display referred” part of the pipeline anyway, where using Lab space is ok). Since the introduction of the tone equaliser, S/H is much less important, and only needed (if ever) IMHO for fairly minor tweaks.

I also mainly use the Tone Equalizer, and sometimes Dynamic Range Compression, rarely Log encoding (though in some specific cases it really helps), and all that in conjunction with a tone curve you can do pretty much want you want.