ART vs Rawtherapee

Thanks for the tests. I’ll make a new version then


Thank you for fixing things…

Is this still intended?

I did try, I didn’t see anything obvious, sorry…

Ok. I thought it was interesting If there would be a difference on my side, since you couldn’t reproduce the slow browser with 1.16.X.

That makes sense indeed. I’ll see if I can upload a binary

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I’ve just found out, that gaaned’s latest dev build (1.16.3-3-g6dc6f21bf) doesn’t suffer from this issue, while his 1.16.3 stable had it too.

gaaned release:

gaaned dev:


6dc6f21 reverted change due to glitch in the file browser (issue #267)
fc16d60 trying to improve the (perceived) responsiveness of the file browser

Maybe there is some hot stuff in these ones.

Hmmm… I don’t see anything “suspicious” changed since 1.16.3. (Or actually, I did change one thing but then I reverted it because it was causing regressions…). Are you sure the toolchain has not changed in the meantime?

I don’t build myself, I have no clue about that. @gaaned92 may tell us.

I’ve built the current master with my local toolchain. If somebody is willing to test it, it would be quite helpful. Just unpack and run:

I’m afraid I can’t report anything outstandingly good.

Thanks. Considering this is essentially the same as @gaaned92’s version, I suspect the slowness is due to some different library or compiler version… I’ll see if I can upgrade msys

Let’s try again – I’ve updated my msys2 installation. Here’s a new build to test:

Best update ever. Look at this:

Thanks a lot for hanging on. This laggy browser was really uncomfortable.

Good that we sorted this out. I’m going to release a new version soon


Thank You — Yes, backward compatibility is hugely important.

That, and the ability to not mess with my meticulously created/embedded metadata and it be right there, embedded within any produce of whatever program I may be using.

Reading through this has piqued my interest in giving ART a try.

A couple questions:

Is the Windows exe an installer that I can just double-click and an install wizard thingie appear ? as in simple for us not so quick people ?

On the downloads page, I see Win64 exe files with .asc ; what means “asc” ?

Are the listed downloads “stable” ?

Thanks for your patience with my lack of knowledge.

They are files you can use to ensure, via cryptography, that the downloaded file hasn’t been tampered with or broken in transit. In other words it’s not something you have to worry about unless you have very high security requirements.


Assuming you are here: agriggio / ART / Downloads — Bitbucket

Yes, and yes.

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Yes, that is where.

Thanks to both of you for answering my questions.