ART vs RT takeup

Don’t know. It was just a thought, because in my experience with RT this kind of slowness almost always was caused be accidently using debug builds.


did you build ART yourself? If not, what version are you using exactly?


I downloaded ART here:


The official build from link above has normal performances and opens all the RAF files I collected from Playraw in less than 5 sec (W10, i6700K) even the X-E2 files, knowing that all those file have a processing ARP file.
So, I cannot reproduce. Perhaps @Wladimir_K could upload the offending RAF to test?

please, provide the link to download your version of ART

I used this official stable build:

Sometimes a restart often solves problems :flushed:

Edit: I mean restart PC or laptop.

Or perhaps the cache or the sidecar ARP is corrupted.
Without the Raw and ARP it will be difficult to identify the problem.

So, I uninstalled the ART and installed it again using the link provided by @gaaned92. Then I restarted my PC. After that I tried to use ART.
The situation is the same - ART needs nearly one minute to open this file. RT needs less than 1 second.

Please see the attached RAW file


DSCF8929.RAF (24.9 MB)

I don’t normally use windows, so I’m not sure what is going on, sorry… if you have an antivirus running, you might try to disable it temporarily and see if that is the culprit. Another thing you might try is to rename the exiftool.exe executable in the ART installation directory so that it is not found (e.g. rename it to exiftool.exe.OLD) and see whether that changes anything… but mine are just wild guesses

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The picture of the kitten shows so strongly why I love ART so much so far. Yes, the RT variant preserved much more details but I find the ART variant much more pleasing. Although I am an IT guy and love technology and do understand technical details, I do not want to deep dive in editing and rendering algorithms when doing my hobby. I do have the same problem with DT. I know one can get absolute awesome results with it and maybe I was just ruined by LR and C1 but I just want to move some sliders until everything pleases my eye without the knowledge about why it is like it is.

I hope ART will further go this way and of course I also hope that my assumption regarding the strategy is correct because there are already many technical open source editors but not one which is just made for photographers (not that the “technical guys” aren’t photographers). ART has huge potential here.

I hope it’s clear what I meant and I didn’t step on sb. foot. I had some problems finding the correct words.


RT did not preserve anymore details in the highlights. The details are still there in ART. Just a minor adjustment in the tone equalizer (or a minor adjustment in the tone curve) and it’s all back.

  1. My monitor is calibrated
  2. My web browser is also calibrated

Makes a big difference.

  • With ART, on opening the image I’m 90% there and I can decide which direction I want to go.
  • With RT, on opening the image I’m 75% there, a little more processing then I can decide which direction I want to go.
  • With DT, on opening the image I’m 66% there, some more processing then I can decide which direction I want to go.

But I have the most control with DT. It’s a balance between control, convenience and output/results. Let’s not start about DAM…

Oh, thank you! the trick with renaming of exiftool worked.

I’m new to ART. I assume it’s 90% there because you automatically apply a profile when first opening an image?

Which profile are you using please?

Ok. Now we have to understand why though… What happens if you run exiftool directly from a cmd prompt? Or if you double-click on it?

The default profile will apply a tone curve that tries to match the RAW file to your camera’s jpg. This works most of the time. It also applies some sharpening and lens correction. You may also want to change the colour profile (under colour management in the colour tab) to something that matches your camera’s colours better. Sometimes the ‘auto matched’ profile works best (if there is one for your camera) or you could try using an Adobe dcp file which is available for free (details here How to get LCP and DCP profiles - RawPedia). Just have a play around and see which works best. Once happy, you can create your own profile that gets applied to all new images.

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FWIW, and without much scientific rigor, I notice that running exiftool manually from the command prompt sometimes has an odd delay of several seconds the first time you run it. Subsequent calls are much faster.

I am of no help here. With either 1.8.2 official build or my nightly builds it takes less than 2 sec to open DSCF8929.RAF (W10, i7 6700K).

It may happen that exiftool is stopped by some antivirus? I already had bad experience with AVAST.

Yes I was thinking that something similar might happen – I don’t know why though, it might be related to some antivirus as @gaaned92 suggested…

I don’t select or apply any profile.

In the browse, I double click on the image and there it is.

Whatever magic, abracadabra happens behind the scenes, you can either look at the source code or ask Alberto or like me: “trust the force” :grinning:
