ASC-CDL compliant adjustments and reference colorspace

@Carmelo_DrRaw - thanks! for posting above - I was wondering about what might be equivalent to what. The Wikipedia article says nine operations, slope/offset/power applied to each channel individually. I’m feeling very mathematically stupid at the moment, worse than usual! So is below correct?

  • Multiply/divide by a color (including gray):
    offset in log2 encoding ↔ slope in linear encoding

  • Add/subtract a color (including gray):
    offset in linear encoding → ??? in log2 encoding

  • Raise each channel to a (same or different per channel) power:
    slope in log2 encoding ↔ power in linear encoding

  • power in log2 encoding → ??? in linear encoding
    What does raising to a power in log2 do to the image? Similarly to linear but affecting different intensities by different amounts?

Also, the Wikipedia article says “out = ((in times slope) plus offset) raised to the power”. So assuming my verbal descriptions of each operation are correct, in linear RGB the result is multiply/divide by a color (aka change white balance), then add/subtract a second color, then raise the resulting channel values to the specified per-channel power for each channel?