Backlit, hardcore flaring, vintage lens fun.

Great photos. A different feel for the second shot.

backlit-hardcore-flaring-2-2022-06-17__DSC00078_01.arw.xmp (10.0 KB)
dt 3.8.1

It’s hard not to see this as trolling. Even now that your warned me.


As I see it, there are at least 3 faux pas:

1 The mere presence of a preamble tells us the comment was unnecessary.
2 These are photos of Radu’s fiancee and it is her hair we are talking about.
3 The hair plays a vital role in the image: the play with light, its texture and posing with it.


Exactly. Even if these were not my photos and she were not my fiancee or anybody I knew, for that matter, I would still be, at the very least, really taken aback by @betazoid 's comment. I mean the one thing that makes these photos interesting is the light in the hair. OK, and maybe the crazy flare, but my point remains.

Furthermore, everyone was having fun, enjoying the challenging editing and not to blow hot air up my own ass, but I think this was one of the more popular playraw threads recently.

That said, you will kindly excuse me if I myself am tactless, but I can’t help but feel @betazoid 's comment came out of a place of spite and female rivalry.


A beautiful shot, and the flares make it really special!
RT 5.8 dev

2022-06-17__DSC00078_RT-5.jpg.out.pp3 (15.0 KB)

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Nice work @anon71831483 . Also really like your edit. Tried it in black and white. Thanks for sharing.
DR 3.8.1

2022-06-17__DSC00092.arw.xmp (998 Bytes)


My version with darktable 4.0.0

2022-06-17__DSC00078.arw.xmp (16.5 KB)

2022-06-17__DSC00092.arw.xmp (14.0 KB)

Intersting take making it a sillhouette.


MLV App. I implemented display rendering based on Troy Sobotka’s AgX, will be in next release.

Sadly MLV App is not nice/convenient for photography. (1.3 KB)

And without AgX :face_vomiting:

Edit - tried to match MLV App’s result with the almost dead “experimental program”…

Nice how there’s no skews. But less glow/warmth.


@ilia3101 Nice rendering. Is it a facsimile of AgX or a modification of it? Could you link to information on AgX? Thanks.

(Troy, if you are reading this, good stuff.)

A slight modification, as MLV App uses a different curve to Troy’s actual AgX. But the first steps are identical.

Basically it consists of

  • Footprint compression to sRGB or whatever (we just clip negative channels to zero).
  • 3x3 ‘inset’ matrix. This desaturates all ratios, and leaves nothing on the gamut locus (this is how it avoids the notorious six)
  • Per channel compression / S curve, this restores the mid range saturation lost at previous step by stretching out the ratios, while also attenuating highlights. Of course some skews do happen.

It’s really easy to implement in any software. I think it would be wonderful for rawtherapee.

Someone did an implementation in Python:

Editing this was a great pleasure. Thank you very much for providing this incredible image!

Here is my take…

2022-06-17__DSC00078.arw.xmp (16.6 KB)

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I’ll let the wife know you enjoyed this picture. Thanks.


2022-06-17__DSC00092.arw.xmp (15.9 KB)


Hi, just came across this image and thought it was very cool so I thought I’d have a go at it.

For those who want to look at the xmp file, the LUT I used to get the colours going is available here. Note that I apply grain with G’MIC in GIMP as a final step and I toned down the chroma of the cyan in this instance. Thanks for sharing.


i like yours best

I have regularly come back to look at these superb images - I would not try to change them in the slightest detail!

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For me the flares on her arm and right of the sun were quite irritating. So I tried to remove/soften them.

Eighteen months late to the game and definitely out of my processing comfort zone, subject-wise, here’s my amateurish take at it…

ART 1.20.1

2022-06-17__DSC00092.arw.arp (43.2 KB)


Second try…

2022-06-17__DSC00078.arw.xmp (16.2 KB)

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2022-06-17__DSC00092.arw.xmp (6.2 KB)
OK, I think that’s a strong theme. And it requires strong contrasts

And now a black/white alternative in which the backlight is the focus:

2022-06-17__DSC00078_02.arw.xmp (188.6 KB)