Best practice for "unexpected white balance coefficients" in darktable

DT has a lot of color science…just looking at your jpg for sure the blue is likely way out of gamut… DT will fight you esp if you use v6 ie the most recent version of filmic… If you have a color chart you can do jpg / raw pairs and create a clut tone curve that will help to match them but chasing jpg colors from raw files as you might see by searching the forum is generally not worth the time and effort. You will rarely find a consistent formula… if you like the jpg… just use it …when its crap edit the raw file…

A simple formula for punchy is get your exposure right, apply filmic, set white and black levels… 150% local contrast and one of two 15% global chroma and 30% global saturation or 20 and 40 if you need more…

Using that general approach and filmic v5 which is my preferred version… I came to this… Not really trying for an exact match of the jpg just trying to capture something in the ball park… using legacy wb which I alway do for some image that I don’t own the camera and have not confirmed the D65 coefficients for…

You could easily tweak the brightness of the blues or the hue or saturation in 2 or 3 different tools