Hi @g-man,
I see there are multiple devices reporting for OpenCL. I’ve had similar issue in DT 3.8 where even with single GPU (rtx 3080), it was listed twice along with ‘Microsoft Basic Render Driver’.
Running darktable-cltest.exe resulted in multiple reports of opencl_create_kernel failing to create the kernel with -5 error (CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES).
Attempts at filtering for each device with ‘opencl_device_priority’ or settings that affect memory consumption failed.
What did the trick was removal of the OpenCL™ and OpenGL® Compatibility PackGet OpenCL™ and OpenGL® Compatibility Pack - Microsoft Store
After this, the GPU was listed only once and ‘Microsoft Basic Render Driver’ was no longer present.
I’ve not observed any negative effect of removing that compatibility layer for OpenCL.