Black lines on RAF files

Some of my SD cards are micro SD cards in the adapter and I have never had a problem. I presume this black line problem is a one off freak problem and hopefully never occurs again. It probably wasn’t a formatting or fragmentation problem, but I recommend formatting as a good way to clean images off a card rather than using the delete function.

I think it is the reliability problem of SD card manufacture rather than the SD card format problem.

Once I had an SD card that had random corruptions in my Nikon D7000. It always worked well on the computer (reading was consistent, written data verified fine). We used if for years without issues in my wife’s Panasonic camera.
The Nikon also never had issues with other cards, but always had them with this one.

Sometimes the chemistry is just not there. :slight_smile:

I feel fairly confident in saying that the issue is with the camera, and not the SD card, since it’s unlikely you would get such neat black lines across the image if it had been corrupted by a bad SD card. But the simplest way to find out is to try with another card.

That is also a possibility. The Canon R5 mk. II doesn’t get along with Sandisk, for example.

@atik Have you always had this issue with this particular camera + card combo? Or is it something that developed over time?

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