Make sure you know how clear your intermediary and configuration files (from git
and compiling) before starting over.
Until you get it working Bill here you go…Dropbox - darktable-3.5.0+947~gb47c0146e-win64.exe - Simplify your life
Thanks, Todd. I have gone through the whole thing again without success.
ERROR Cannot find filename: Martz/darktable/data/…/po
I may be doomed in this effort by my user name.
Maybe with a coffee start from scratch. It can be frustrating. One little thing can hang you up. It is smooth once you get there. I built a generic version so it should run on your PC . When you build it yourself you will get hardware specific enhancements in the build. THis should let you explore some of the new stuff until you get sorted…
Thanks again. It’s 10 p.m. here, and I think I’ll get a good night’s sleep, and then that coffee.
@Underexposed What is keeping you from going into another directory entirely? E.g. mkdir /darktable
cd /darktable
and run the whole procedure from there. Certainly prevents any issues with spaces.
Because this is so unfamiliar to me, it didn’t occur to me. I thought it had to be where the directions indicated. I will try that out. I appreciate your idea.
This is basically what I already suggested yesterday before you got sidetracked…
Sorry, I missed that. On the other hand, the more I have repeated my steps, the more that sinks in. I will study this, maybe ask some more questions, and give it a go. Thanks for your help.
To start over again with the build, that is not removing msys64, do I just delete everything in the home directory?
Next question: the instructions read:
From MINGW64 terminal, clone darktable git repository (in this example into ~/darktable):
cd ~
git clone git://
Now, at that point, if I understand correctly, I have just opened a MINGW64 terminal, so what is the purpose of “cd ~”?
I have a build! I have to run right now, so it will be later today that I will try to install it.
Thanks to everyone for your help. I do really appreciate it!
This is to end up at your home directory, which is evidently not where you want to build because of the space in the name. I think @priort’s last post is misleading in that regard.
Good to hear you’ve got a working build!
Ha ha, the monster looks so confused: Who is this crazy dude?
It’s from the movie “Young Frankenstein.” It’s a classic over here. The mad scientist is Gene Wilder; Peter Boyle is his creation. Teri Garr is the comely sidekick.
See Frankenstein Junior - Young Frankenstein | IMDb for a trailer.
I followed the instructions down to:
From MINGW64 terminal, clone darktable git repository (in this example into ~/darktable):
The sequence from there went:
cd …
Bill Martz@DESKTOP-U6S1FBL MINGW64 /home
git clone git://
Bill Martz@DESKTOP-U6S1FBL MINGW64 /home
cd darktable
Bill Martz@DESKTOP-U6S1FBL MINGW64 /home/darktable
git submodule update
Bill Martz@DESKTOP-U6S1FBL MINGW64 /home/darktable
mkdir build
Bill Martz@DESKTOP-U6S1FBL MINGW64 /home/darktable
cd build
Bill Martz@DESKTOP-U6S1FBL MINGW64 /home/darktable/build
cmake -G “MSYS Makefiles” -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/darktable …/.
Bill Martz@DESKTOP-U6S1FBL MINGW64 /home/darktable/build
cmake --build .
Bill Martz@DESKTOP-U6S1FBL MINGW64 /home/darktable/build
cmake --build . --target package
Bill Martz@DESKTOP-U6S1FBL MINGW64 /home/darktable/build
I was short on time and thought later you might not know about Frankenstein, an 1818 novel by Mary Shelly. Here’s a link to more information: Frankenstein - Wikipedia.
When I was nine, I saw the newly released 1957 movie version; it was the first horror movie I saw.
Don’t worry about it. You misunderstood my comment. I enjoyed the actors expression way too much.