Wow, you are right, just tried your numbers on my playraw. You are definitely right about the capture sharpening auto radius.
Edit: The results look much more natural than the dehaze module.
Wow, you are right, just tried your numbers on my playraw. You are definitely right about the capture sharpening auto radius.
Edit: The results look much more natural than the dehaze module.
Thanks for this comment
I think you are on the right track with auto black point setting optimization, but done globally as set up now, does seem that it would be ruined by strong vignetting, if the haze pattern follows the vignetting pattern, IE too high black points set in the corners, and not enough in the center. By looking at the toolchain pipeline, it looks like using a flatfield could solve this.
Here is a showing controlled lighting setup in which I deliberately had a light partially shining on the lens. The first has all the reduced contrast from internal reflections in the optics, from this shining, and the other has the lens shaded to block this excess light.
@Waveluke Can you please upload to I have no access to your google drive
I got this when following your link:
Not Found
forgot its in /img/
edited my link.
@HIRAM These are quite contrasty images not affected by internal reflections or by atmospheric haze. Means, no improvements by my experimental code for this files
oh so the lens is better than i thought, or maybe it is the proximity effect.
Really really nice!
Fixed the google drive link, as I was a dunce who forgot to enable public link sharing.
Both are taken with a Nikon el Nikkor 135mm f5.6 enlarger lens on a bellows, shot wide open, with a bit of lens tilt on the bellows to ensure more of the subject is in focus. First shot is with the light hitting the lens, second, with the lens being shaded. Light on the subject is the same on both.
Exactly, the second shot was more of a reference of what the picture should look like after corrections, rather than a subject of needed dehazing.
Here are some. I hope they are useful. Unfortunately, I did not save many that were washed out, and most of what I saved I do not want to share online.
DSCF2933.RAF (20.6 MB)
DSCF5652.RAF (23.6 MB)
DSCF8922.RAF (21.4 MB)
Wow! Are those all ‘1-click fixes’?
I do have some from my Helios 44-2 lens that were taken when the sun was low in the sky and they have a heavy orange hazing. If you provide me a link to a compiled Windows version of this I can run some tests and post screenshots with faces cropped.
It’s still wip. I will create a branch on github when it’s more robust.
Would such a file be useful? I can try to replicate the effect if conditions are favorable.